Fortunately for us, every post is archived; This is what you said at first before editing the post
In 2014, Bitcoin's average price was $300-$400, sometime it even reached $700- $800
Let's say we consider the lower price $300, are you trying to say you sold the laptop at a flea market with (19,400 X 300) = $5,820,000 worth of BTC in it?
Good find! Hehe and besides who will sold his laptop on a flea market while he is holding huge amount of Bitcoin that time. He doesn’t need to sold anything if you have more than a million dollar on your crypto asset. And I doubt someone holding the .dat file of the wallet address will give it to him by just knowing he knew the password. It will just makes thing hard for the OP to get it because the value it contains is worth a fortune if someone manage to brute force the password.
good luck finding the password