
Topic: [2015-04-03] The 5,000Btc hidden treasure, and the key to finding it. - page 4. (Read 14210 times)

Activity: 1652
Merit: 4392
Be a bank
Your in a popularity contest with yourself mate.

Are you from Australia or Britain originally, mate? You used this term of address twice more further up the thread.


Are you now claiming the CTS scam as one of your own? The Observer tried to push the blame for that one onto any one else but him just like you do.

 your more schizophrenic than Veronica Lake. . You're starting to look a little insane here mate.

Are you talking to yourself now?
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Well, I basically wasted my time reading this thread. At first I thought that there was indeed 5000 bitcoins hidden on those woodcraft, but seeing that OP is basically lying, I might as well enjoy the show and read for further comments. Grin Popcorns, anyone?

Sorry you burnt up a bunch of time with it all. But you got the basics of it. It appears as it was a last ditch effort by WC to sell the last 2 coins he kept for himself at a seriously high markup using one of his alts. Glad to see some still have common sense around here. Maybe some day nubbins will catch up and realize the obvious too. 
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Stuff4Bitcoin... you know that IP, cookies, JS and Java arent the only things to identify the same browser?

Shit sorry man, wasn't ignoring you. Totally missed your post in the middle of all of Nubbins rant.

Not to repeat myself, but I hold a degree in cyber security and work in the industry for almost 7 years before I switched careers. There are a million ways to track someone online. My favorite of all is fingerprinting. it allows a me to look at the characteristics of a computer such as what plugins and software you have installed, the size of the screen, the time zone, fonts and other features of any particular machine. It is a unique signature just like random skin patterns on a finger. Over 90% of browsers use either java or flash which is the backbone in fingerprinting.

Also, drag and drop uploading makes you easy to track, WebGL, Websockets, Native Code. Tons of things.

Also all things I am very very careful about which is why I can say 100% that Bad Bear is a liar and a fraud.
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1352
Cashback 15%
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Folks, what we're seeing here is unbridled panic. Kevin tells me via PM that he's ordering dinner for me this evening; I'll share pictures once it arrives.

Don t be greedy now, its not just for you. You have to share with Mike, Jessica, and Pascale too.

and in case it went over your head, there is no "Folks" left here mate. Everyone else besides Smoothie/Mauiflipper/Phoenix already figured it out a long time ago that i am not WC, and also figured out that ukcrypto was the real WC alt here trying to use this treasure scam as a way to cash in on the two coins he fake sold to himself before he left. It didn’t take much more than common sense for them to realize that i had nothing to neither gain nor lose from this treasure scam and that the only thing that ties me to WC is that i bought something from him from cryptothrift where i happen to shop all the time, before i knew who he was as there is no negative feedback about him on cryptothrift.

Clear to see that common sense is something you lack. Notice your B.S. and my replies to your B.S. are the only thing on the last 2 pages of this thread? Your in a popularity contest with yourself mate. I am on the clock for 4 more hours this afternoon. I got nothing but time to sit here and egg you on.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1009
Folks, what we're seeing here is unbridled panic. Kevin tells me via PM that he's ordering dinner for me this evening; I'll share pictures once it arrives.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Had mostly stopped, but KevinWoodCollector started up with the personal threats again...

Montauk... that's near Mastic, isn't it?

Can you make up your mind already, your more schizophrenic than Veronica Lake. Is it Maine or New York? Is it Kevin, Batman, or  Michael. When are you going to get your accusations straight? If you keep on like this nobody is going to be able to follow along on this crazy ride your taking them on. Fuck, i'm having a hell of a time keeping up with your guesses right now. Every time I turn around you have a new theory. You're starting to look a little insane here mate. Pick one and try and defend it, when you jump around all the time everyone knows you are guessing and just having a bitch fit. Didn't you learn your lesson last time? I can see it wasn’t right away but in the end it appears WC managed to get both Canary In The Mine and you bumped or removed from the default trust list for shit just like this. You have no place to go but onto the red list now and you're heading there fast. Your buddies are dropping like flies as they are sick of ukcryptos alts leaving them bogus feedback and making them look dumb for defending you.

You and Canary made jokes that it would never happen when you started in on WC. It might not have been over night but look what he manged to get done regardless if he used alts to do it or not. I could really give a shit, this forum is about as useful as a 3 legged billy goat and over the past year has been over run with fools like you. This is sheer entertainment for me while I am at work and have time to kill here at the bong and dildo factory in whichever state it is going to be next off your list. You on the other hand need that approval to feel important as we both know your social circle outside of this forum is rather small outside of Pink Eye so this forum is all you have left.

How do you think your buddy Mike is going to feel when he starts getting robo dialed with a recorded message about your antics and why his phone is getting blown up because you decided to screw with the wrong man as you eat sleep and breath 24/7 behind your computer? What do you think your customers are going to think when Pink Eye ends up with horrible reviews on every business review website known to man. How well received do you think it will be in your tiny little circle off the forum when every person you are friends with starts getting fucked with and is also told why they are being fucked with? This isn’t my first time, even the friends who you though were you blood brothers for life will eventually get sick of you because its a headache to even know you and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I gave you an out man, even went so far as to point out the inherently obvious that ukcrypto is WC as he is the ONLY person still trying to profit from this whole BS treasure crap. I told you clear as day that if you wanted to play ball it wasn’t going to be a fair fight and warned you that the best thing you could do is just give up on this internet popularity contest because it wasn’t going to end well.

All you had to do was step away from the computer for 2 seconds and use your head. Instead you wanted to start messaging me instead, First my name is Mike, then Kevin, now Bruce, first I lived in Maine, now New York, who knows where next. I offered you a peaceful solution. You chose the hard way, so don’t talk to me about “i started up” with anything. But now that you have made it clear you want to play ball. Trust I will be the one finishing this. Get ready for a long next few weeks mate. As as soon as I get off work at the bong and dildo factory here in New York tonight your life is going to start to suck in a bad way.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1009
Had mostly stopped, but KevinWoodCollector started up with the personal threats again...

Montauk... that's near Mastic, isn't it?
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1473
LEALANA Bitcoin Grim Reaper
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1473
LEALANA Bitcoin Grim Reaper


Yes as if WC would give away 5,000 Bitcoins.  Roll Eyes

WC..... Fuck man why the hell would anyone GIVE AWAY 5,000 Bitcoins. They would either have to be high as a kite or dumb as a mother fuck.

Wood collector talking to himself again lol
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1473
LEALANA Bitcoin Grim Reaper
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1082
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
Stuff4Bitcoin... you know that IP, cookies, JS and Java arent the only things to identify the same browser?
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1009


Yes as if WC would give away 5,000 Bitcoins.  Roll Eyes

WC..... Fuck man why the hell would anyone GIVE AWAY 5,000 Bitcoins. They would either have to be high as a kite or dumb as a mother fuck.

I'd say you've been hitting the wooden bong pretty hard and you're dumb as a block of wood, given the amount of evidence you've left behind. You probably believe you actually buried those coins!
Activity: 56
Merit: 0


Yes as if WC would give away 5,000 Bitcoins.  Roll Eyes

WC..... Fuck man why the hell would anyone GIVE AWAY 5,000 Bitcoins. They would either have to be high as a kite or dumb as a mother fuck.
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1473
LEALANA Bitcoin Grim Reaper
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Hmmm.... I wonder if the same email that was used to register -- [email protected] -- was used to register any other websites?

Maybe you missed the part where i already said i bought my 1 bitcoin bulletthing from cryptothrift. The reason why i only have 1 for sale not however many WC has left for sale.

Tell me again how me buying something from makes me WC?

Also, My chess piece is not whats for sale on crypto thrift by WC if you take a closer look, what he is selling looks like its a vase or a container of some sort. What were you hoping to prove by posting pictures of two totally different things?

Lastly, what the fuck does a cat have to do with me? or are you trying to claim that woodcollector is a cat who learned how to use the computer?

Is this just kind of your thing? Photoshop images to try and make them support your theory's? Try and find random unrelated images to back up your claims and pray that if you post them enough people will fall for your shit? You can go after WC all you want, more power to you. I'm not here trying to promote this treasure shit, in fact i have already stated many times that i am almost 100% for sure that ukcrypto is woodcollector and he pulled this shit about the treasure just to try and make a huge profit on the two coins he kept. If you really, really want to try and drag me into this mess like i am WC and bullshit like i give a fuck about some fake ass treasure hunt that ukcrypto/woodcollector/essimo/whoever the fuck he is today, you and me are going to have some serious issues. You might have been able to push WC around with your dumb ass antics, but i will make it my sole mission to make your life on and off the forum a living fucking hell if you think you are dragging me into this.

My issue is with a bullshit admin who thinks he if fucking god. AKA YOU since we all know "nubbins" is an alt of Bad Bear. making bullshit claims that he knows jack shit about my account like he/you could prove a mother fucking thing. All talk and semantics, thats all you are. B.S. claims that you "have proof" that this account or that account are alts of others, a band of morons who you hide behind while you cower in the corner like a zit faced teenager, all your bullshit.

Go ahead and try and drag me into this WC shit, lets see how far it gets you. Within 5 minutes of you starting in with your shit i had people messaging me your address in Canada, Your phone number, the address for your print shop, more information than anyone would want someone like me to know if they wated to start shit, its very clear that you have pissed a lot of people off in the past with this shit you pull as they all came rushing in to DOX the fuck out of you, and i am just asshole enough to make use of it. How many pizzas do you think i can have delivered to you at home and work, how long do you think i can tie up your phone with robo dial, ever heard of swatting? How would you like to have the ERT kick in your door at 2 a.m. on a bogus raid to wake up with ar-15's in your face. Ever had your cell phone cloned? How many *extension donations do you think i can make in one month before you get the bill for $100,000 cad for all the donations you made to the red cross, thw W.H.O, some poor kid in somalia. Ever been a victim of identity theft? How bad do you think i can fuck your credit in just one night online? Ever been arrested? How long do you think it would take me to get you brought in on charges of suspected terrorism? Want to find out? Try me !

Others you crossed may have played some kid games with you, threatened to DOX you, sent you nasty messages, but i am a much bigger asshole then they ever were and i was a cyber security specialist for a long time before i got into audio. I am the one guy who in the end will fuck up your world worse then you ever thought possible and i am the guy who can do it without leaving a single trace of who or where i am. You want a target, ukcrypto is the only fucker who has tried to profit from this whole b.s. treasure bullshit since it started. why not actually point a figure at someone who is really WC and trying to scam people you faggot.

A lot of lame ass bitches might have let you push them around while you hide behind a computer, but i am the most dangerous person you will ever find when i have a keyboard at my fingertips. I promise i am not the guy you want to push with this shit.  
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1009
Hmmm.... I wonder if the same email that was used to register -- [email protected] -- was used to register any other websites?

Oh yeah, this one:

The Bitcoin Society is born.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
This is entertaining. Lol loving it!
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1009
Wooden bullet, hmm.

Looks familiar.

Now where did I see that before?

Oh yeah, this asshole right here.

Now where did I see that window, plug and railing before?

My wife and i are owners of the Ambajejus Savannah Cattery in northern Maine.

Northern Maine? Ambajejus Lake is in Northern Maine, just near Millinocket! Didn't WC say he was from there?

Maybe it's a coincidence. He does sell other wood things:

Wait now, that looks familiar...

Maybe it's a coincidence. He does sell other wood things:

Hmmm.... I wonder if the same email that was used to register -- [email protected] -- was used to register any other websites?
full member
Activity: 149
Merit: 100

\yər, ˈyu̇r, ˈyȯr, ˌyü-ər\
contraction of you are

-pronoun \yər, ˈyu̇r, ˈyȯr\
a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective
one's (used to indicate belonging to oneself or to any person)
(used informally to indicate all members of a group, occupation, etc., or things of a particular type)
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