Rockets are playing the extreme version small ball, now I do not mind small ball, at todays basketball that small ball idea is actually works. Look at warriors if you doubt, its not about the strategy as much as talent there obviously but when they played the line up curry-klay-iggy-durant-draymond they were unstoppable and the tallest guy there was Durant and draymond guarded centers, it really worked for them. Now that means by logic Rockets could do it as well, why shouldn't they, just think of PJ Tucker as draymond and rest is basically same.
The difference is, they do not have curry, they have westbrook. They have harden which I think is better than klay (not defensively but covers the difference and becomes better offensively) and not iggy but their small forward could be eric gordon sometimes or or anyone really not sure but not big difference. The biggest difference comes with Durant, they do not have Durant, not many teams have any player as good as Durant because rarely you can say a player is better than him, only maybe 5 players can fight for that spot and some people may say he is the best right now (at least offensively). At center PJ Tucker could fight for Dray but not defensively, he is just better offensively.
So as you can see, Rockets right now is the warriors team that won the first championship, the 2015 version, but teams are much better right now so I do not think they could beat everyone anymore, would be very difficult.
I like the way you compared it all.
But, there will always be the but's eh!?
It's actually a big difference which you won't see much if you won't focus in the game specially because it is at the defensive play of GSW.
Kerr knows there is a big hole in their defense. Who? Steph Curry.
So they will need to fill that hole.
How? Switching.
Compare it to Rockets again. Who among them is their hole when it comes to defense? Harden?
Let's see if they have come up with a good idea too filling that hole.
All that switching is a success because of chemistry.
Chemistry is inexplainable.
You could watch this on how good they are with switches.