So what are your comment about lebron's recruiting some high caliber players to join his team and he repeatedly doing this wherever he landed.
I hope you've realised LeBron isn't the GM that he could recruit a player as easy as 123. I'm sorry to say this, but that's a hater mentality right there.
You guys were thinking he can recruit any player he wants any time any where. But you guys failed to realize that there were actually NBA stars who wants to play with him.
Plus, LeBron had enough influence to the game that he could actually influence the front office's decisions as well.
That's how a certain management treat LeBron as a valuable piece of the franchise, that when he starts gets uncomfortable with his teammates, the front office will do adjustments and make trades if necessary.
Blame the Cavaliers management, blame the Lakers management for recruiting or trading players. Also, a player has the freedom to make decisions whether they sign to a certain team or not.