Not really, basketball players roll their ankles almost every other game, it's not even high sprain one and you can't in no way compare it to Paul George's injury. He literally snapped his leg in half. A fucking gruesome injury he missed quite a lot of time recovering, i'm sure Luka will be back within a month or so.
Yes, that is way too far to be compared. It was broken in half and it is not something good to see. Actually all injuries are so bad.
I remember one when Oladipo was injured. He was just running chasing down Siakam. He suddenly fell down in his knees.
We didn't even see something break but that was something awful when checked by the medical team. Ruptured quad tendon in his right knee according to them.
I love how Indiana played back then but without Oladipo it is just not enough by now.
We might be overreacting with what happened to Luka but maybe we are just scared to see the Dallas not having that momentum back again.
Add the entertainment of course.