Interesting detective work; hopefully the trail leads to the address indicated and (if so) there is some way to paint those coins as belonging to a complete arsehole and thief.
So... we're officially past the 825,000 block (as of about four hours ago). That should mean both that the AuxPow/merged-mining is enabled and that Infernoman might be prepared to pay some of the ransom that Cryptopia is demanding to be made whole again and consequently deign to allow trading to resume at their exchange (although I'd personally much prefer CHAO have a place at decentralized exchanges such as or ).
Meanwhile -- upon reaching the 825,000 block -- the earth didn't seem to shake and there wasn't a whole lot of hash that suddenly stepped in. It seems to still be me (renting hash) and another miner at infernopool moving the chain -- as has been the case for weeks
or more likely months. I really do dig this coin; but, unfortunately have been quite altruistic and trusting as I have never once received a payment from Infernopool (whereas within 2-3 days of mining at wmikrut payments were received...
but that pool went sideways and vaporized). Infernopool's interface simply stopped displaying additional accumulated balance four weeks ago. I sent a personal message to Infernoman (to get information, a transfer, or an update) but haven't received a response yet; I presume a similar situation for my fellow-miner. If I had an SHA-256 ASIC, I'd probably be solo-mining 23-Skidoo from time-to-time.
For more status reports:
About 3 or 4 days ago, announced they are dropping the trading of CHAO as the number of trades has been quite insignificant and it is being treated as a dead-coin (much like
some might view another Blazr coin -- the _Dune_-themed Melange/Spice ).
I'm trying to get my crap together and get acquainted again with C++ and have also recently bought this fairly technical guide (with some code samples provided): . I wonder whether CHAO might be forked to change the mining hash algorithm to something like Digibyte has (where some blocks are mineable by a GPU)? As well, I do like the idea of Keccak/SHA-3 as an algorithm that might make coins more resistant to the eventual advent of quantum computers throwing a wrench in the works of things someday.
Also (and again), the extremely high transaction fee should be changed IMO.
Good luck to the people who had something approaching possession of coins on Cryptopia anyhow.
R.A. Wilson would be shaking his head at the absurdity of it all.