
Topic: 25th Amendment after Trump supporters riot in the Capital - page 3. (Read 1149 times)

Activity: 2716
Merit: 1225
Once a man, twice a child!
And in 2016, they inadvertently elected President Ivanka.  So there.  Stick that in your feminist pipe and smoke it.
Your argument distracts here. I thought we were talking about the number one seat in the US — The US President, and not some subsidiary position. You made it sound like Ivanka is the nickname of Donald Trump.

Because she’s a woman, or because she is another corrupt, uninspiring political jobber?
Of course, because she's a woman and America isn't yet ready for that history to be made for a woman president. BTW, is there any politician who doesn't have a strain of corruption in them?

—By the way, how did you fail to notice that the incoming fraudulently selected Vice President is a woman, whom many people expect will probably replace the frail and demented President due to natural causes?  Oh, apropos this thread’s topic:
Well, expectations aren't reality. This also you should know that people don't die based on age and that man isn't God to determine whose turn is next to die.
copper member
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1901
Amazon Prime Member #7

That would be the rhetoric of the morally and politically bankrupt GOP leadership.  —The leadership of the same GOP that numerous right-leaning Americans have despised for decades
The GOP has long been afraid of what the left-wing propaganda arm of the Democrat party will say about them. This has played a role in the lack of GOP effectiveness in governing, and the lack of their kept promises.

Just imagine if the media were to report on Trump at least semi-honestly.  Or at least, imagine if they were to stop hurling at him a 24/7 nonstop barrage of easily-debunked total lies.  He would now have one of the highest approval ratings of any president in American history!
As I alluded to above, the media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. I think Trump was upset that Fox News was not willing to be his propaganda machine late in his term, and after the election. If Trump was constrained by facts and was more articulate, he would have a stronger case in overturning the election, and none of this would probably have happened.

In 2016, Trump was widely thought as the only person who could lose to Clinton in the general election.
Honestly, my take home from the Clinton — Trump election was that Americans were not yet ready for a female president despite all their mouthed speeches about democracy. They loved Hilary Clinton but couldn't close her up to win the presidency. They had to choose controversial Trump instead. Even if Clinton had contested again against Trump in 2020, Americans still wouldn't have voted her in.

Clinton was willing to say anything to get elected, and I think many Americans saw right through this. She was the most unlikeable major-party Presidential candidate in history. Despite what the polls said, I don't think there was any real chance she was ever going to win against anyone.
copper member
Activity: 630
Merit: 2614
If you don’t do PGP, you don’t do crypto!
Honestly, my take home from the Clinton — Trump election was that Americans were not yet ready for a female president despite all their mouthed speeches about democracy. They loved Hilary Clinton but couldn't close her up to win the presidency. They had to choose controversial Trump instead.

That is the worst type of liberal identity politics, here weaponized ad hominem to deny the existence of the many of millions of Americans who loved Trump—who found him inspiring!  (I thought that they overestimated him.  They certainly existed, and some of them called me nasty names.)

Liberals always do this.  They don’t want to believe that anybody out there actually disagrees with their goodthinkful opinions.  I get liberals trying to rationalize me away quite frequently.

Anyway, I will have you know, there were American right-wingers who voted for Hillary in 2008.  They voted for her in the Democrats’ primaries, in states with open primaries.  Indeed, as I recall, there were whole websites devoted to urging American right-wingers to vote for Hillary in the primaries.  When she didn’t win the (D) nomination, they turned around and voted for Sarah Palin in the general election—they wanted so much to vote for a woman!  They were very disappointed and aggrieved that the country just was not yet ready to elect a woman.

(Nobody gave a hoot about McCain, except for those who are more loyal to the GOP than to anything else.  McCain was just another corrupt party political jobber.  Like it or not, Palin was wildly popular.)

And in 2016, they inadvertently elected President Ivanka.  So there.  Stick that in your feminist pipe and smoke it.

Even if Clinton had contested again against Trump in 2020, Americans still wouldn't have voted her in.

Because she’s a woman, or because she is another corrupt, uninspiring political jobber?

—By the way, how did you fail to notice that the incoming fraudulently selected Vice President is a woman, whom many people expect will probably replace the frail and demented President due to natural causes?  Oh, apropos this thread’s topic:

—Or is that merely a fast-track for President Harris?

On invoking the 25th Amendment, I like how succinctly the Vice President of the US put it. I saw that letter online I thought I should share it. It's spot on:

Indeed, it is—except that it could have been more strongly worded, e.g., “This is an attempted coup under the rubric of Soviet-style pathologization of dissent, based on armchair diagnoses that amount to, ‘I don’t like him; therefore, he is deranged and mentally incapacitated.’”
Activity: 2716
Merit: 1225
Once a man, twice a child!
In 2016, Trump was widely thought as the only person who could lose to Clinton in the general election.
Honestly, my take home from the Clinton — Trump election was that Americans were not yet ready for a female president despite all their mouthed speeches about democracy. They loved Hilary Clinton but couldn't close her up to win the presidency. They had to choose controversial Trump instead. Even if Clinton had contested again against Trump in 2020, Americans still wouldn't have voted her in.

On invoking the 25th Amendment, I like how succinctly the Vice President of the US put it. I saw that letter online I thought I should share it. It's spot on:

copper member
Activity: 630
Merit: 2614
If you don’t do PGP, you don’t do crypto!
I will be the one to say it:

Terrence K. Williams tweeted:

Wait. So white supremacists stormed the Capitol to overthrow the white supremacist government but were stopped by the white supremacist police force and are now being tracked down by the white supremacist FBI?


Let us all now take the knee to protest the racist white supremacist police murder of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed for peacefully protesting.

—Or what would have been peacefully protesting, by the standards of the liberal media, if but only she had indulged in looting and arson, in addition to breaking some windowglass.  Amateur!

Right-wingers suck at rioting.  Protip:  To avoid being accused of “insurrection”, you need to declare a Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone where the government has no authority.  Also, you need to be black and/or Communist.  If you meet these criteria, then Twit-@jack will look the other way while you tweet overtly violent rhetoric!

GOP leadership is firmly not behind Trump right now. Trump's behavior is also a risk to the future of the Republican party, so [...]

In 2016, Trump was supposed to be the challenger for Americans who distrusted the GOP after decades of being betrayed by them.  He has always been disliked by the corrupt career-politician GOP leadership, and especially by the neocons.

In 2016, Trump was widely thought as the only person who could lose to Clinton in the general election. GOP leadership was afraid of losing the House, Senate and Presidency if Trump was nominated. In 2016, none of this turned out to be true, but the House was lost in 2018, and the Senate and Presidency were lost in 2021/0.

That would be the rhetoric of the morally and politically bankrupt GOP leadership.  —The leadership of the same GOP that numerous right-leaning Americans have despised for decades.  Trump had presented himself as a political reformer; is a reformer ever welcomed by the establishment that he promises to reform?

Now, according to Rasmussen Reports for 18 January 2021 (archive of what I am seeing), “48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.  Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.”  35% “Strongly Approve”, and 42% “Strongly Disapprove”.

Those are excellent numbers for a President who has been smeared in the mass-media, deplatformed by Big Tech, unbanked by the banks, and declared a “domestic terrorist” by a corrupt Goldman Sachs alum and subsequent White House employee whom Trump had FIRED!  (Loser.)

Just imagine if the media were to report on Trump at least semi-honestly.  Or at least, imagine if they were to stop hurling at him a 24/7 nonstop barrage of easily-debunked total lies.  He would now have one of the highest approval ratings of any president in American history!

The foregoing began an essay that I don’t have time to finish now.  Something about why I depicted Trump as Coca-Cola because he had turned out to be just another GOP politician.  —Contrary to his promises, and exactly as I had predicted in 2015–16.  I only like him now because, frankly, it is impossible for me not to sympathize with someone who is being censored, lied about, and targeted for personal destruction by tyrants who demand the repeal of the freedom of speech.

Food for thought:  Look back to what I mentioned earlier, the 1994 Republican Revolution.  After the stunning midterm victory of the GOP in 1994, Bill Clinton was reëlected by a minority of voters in 1996.  Because people hated the cowardly Republicans for breaking their promises.  Many of the voters who swept the GOP into power in 1994 either voted for Perot in 1996, or just stayed home in disgust.

The GOP needs to stop blaming Trump for the failure of a corrupt party whose only consistent behaviour is the betrayal of their hapless votaries voters.

* nullius says:  Don’t vote!  (Unless, perhaps, you can vote for Trump again—or unless you are in a position to vote for Senator Josh Hawley, Senator Ted Cruz, or one of the other Republicans who are now being cancelled for actually, amazingly doing their jobs for a change.)

My perspective:  I have made a detailed study of modern American political history, but I rarely keep up with current events in American politics.  When I do, from where I sit, the voices of people in Idaho, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, or West Virginia come through to me just as loudly as the voices of people in New York or California.  I definitely have no attachment whatsoever to any American political party.

The historical perspective:  Trump himself is definitely not radical.  As recently as 50–60 years ago (never mind longer!), mainstream American Conservatives would have considered today’s Trump to be at best a pale hue of pink, if not a Red.  American “conservatives” are spectacularly incompetent at conserving their own positions, let alone conserving their country.  The whole country has moved left—and “conservatives” have moved with it.  Trump’s stated agenda is to return America to what was a semi-moderate American liberal’s position, immediately before the cultural cataclysm of the 1960s and the concomitant collapse of American Conservatism.

Note:  I am not a conservative, let alone an American conservative.  I see modern “conservatism” as a tangle of self-contradictions, for modernity itself is inherently liberal; and in principle, I am altogether strongly opposed to democracy, i.e. the notion that wolves must obey sheep because sheep are many, and wolves are few.  But at least, unlike liberals, conservatives tend not to be hate-crazed maniacs hellbent on remodelling the universe according to childish fantasies.  I appreciate that.

Tomorrow I'll be like... I sent a merit to WHO???  WTF was I thinking!? , lol.

To whom.  —I need to point that out, because reality-inverting liberals enjoy pretending that they are “educated”, and Trump supporters are all just a bunch of illiterate rubes.  No, really.  To whom, you knuckle-dragging troglodyte!
copper member
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1901
Amazon Prime Member #7

GOP leadership is firmly not behind Trump right now. Trump's behavior is also a risk to the future of the Republican party, so [...]

In 2016, Trump was supposed to be the challenger for Americans who distrusted the GOP after decades of being betrayed by them.  He has always been disliked by the corrupt career-politician GOP leadership, and especially by the neocons.  It was as much an upset for him to win the party nomination as it was for him to win the general election; but the GOP leadership had no choice but to go along, because Trump was overwhelmingly popular.
In 2016, Trump was widely thought as the only person who could lose to Clinton in the general election. GOP leadership was afraid of losing the House, Senate and Presidency if Trump was nominated. In 2016, none of this turned out to be true, but the House was lost in 2018, and the Senate and Presidency were lost in 2021/0.

I think Trump lost in 2020 because he made the election a referendum on himself. Trump has consistently been less popular personally than his policies. Ditto with his tweeting, his personal attacks on his critics, and the chaos that he caused. I don't think Trump had the right people helping him at the top of his reelection campaign. 

With there being a day and a half left in Trump's Presidency, I don't think he is going to be removed from office via the 25th amendment.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
peace bro! Have a merit.
Tomorrow I'll be like... I sent a merit to WHO???  WTF was I thinking!? , lol.
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
. You might have to work for your troll living, right?


I have been gainfully employed for past 26 years as a CNC programmer/developer, so yeah I do indeed work for a living.
How's your job working out for ya bud?
(Besides this one that you volunteer for with no pay, plastering nonsense 24/7 all over these boards)

Good for you. But its your side job we were talking about. Besides, I have to give you credit. Your trolling isn't nonsense much of the time. But as you can see by what you call my nonsense, the thing I am not is a troll. Trolls make sense or they don't get paid.


EDIT: Why is it that you keep on making sense out of my nonsense? If you could avoid doing that, you might become a better troll.

EDIT: All right. Sorry for calling you a troll. I realize that we simply have differences of opinion. I shouldn't have been so hasty.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
. You might have to work for your troll living, right?


I have been gainfully employed for past 26 years as a CNC programmer/developer, so yeah I do indeed work for a living.
How's your job working out for ya bud?
(Besides this one that you volunteer for with no pay, plastering nonsense 24/7 all over these boards)
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
^^^ And not only that. But there are 30,000 troops surrounding the capitol to protect Biden from Trump patriots. But Biden wants them to be disarmed, because he is afraid they will assassinate him on behalf of Trump. Take their guns away so that a million Trump supporters can run them over and squash Biden?

Who ever heard of 30,000 troops being stationed at the capitol for an inauguration? Did something like this happen anywhere from 1900 to the present? There's something else going on. Disarming troops wouldn't prevent them from assassinating Biden if that's what they wanted to do.

Is Biden afraid that they might not let his Antifa and BLM troops stop his arrest by MPs for - get this - breaking his oath of office by swearing it? How could he break it by swearing it? Because his (and Obama's) foreign money transactions don't allow him to hold Federal office, according to Title 15, for enriching family members (Hunter) through foreign transactions, as well as bribing foreign governments by threatening to withhold money unless demands were met.

So you see? Legally Biden absolutely can't hold federal office of any sort. I wonder if that includes Federal dog catcher, or Federal garbage collector?


threatening an international organisation with not paying them unless they up their game.. is a crime??
well trump threatening WHO with not paying them unless them unless they up their game, must make trump a criminal
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
..... ...

So you see? .....


Yeah I see bud.
I see you are either batshit crazy or 2nd to none champion troll extraordinaire on p+s.
Or far more likely...both.
Not that I need to let anyone who frequents these boards know that....

Awwww. Poor baby. Why is it that you can't come up with some proof that this doesn't count, or something of value? I know. You might have to work for your troll living, right?

Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
..... ...

So you see? .....


Yeah I see bud.
I see you are either batshit crazy or 2nd to none champion troll extraordinaire on p+s.
Or far more likely...both.
Not that I need to let anyone who frequents these boards know that....
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
^^^ And not only that. But there are 30,000 troops surrounding the capitol to protect Biden from Trump patriots. But Biden wants them to be disarmed, because he is afraid they will assassinate him on behalf of Trump. Take their guns away so that a million Trump supporters can run them over and squash Biden?

Who ever heard of 30,000 troops being stationed at the capitol for an inauguration? Did something like this happen anywhere from 1900 to the present? There's something else going on. Disarming troops wouldn't prevent them from assassinating Biden if that's what they wanted to do.

Is Biden afraid that they might not let his Antifa and BLM troops stop his arrest by MPs for - get this - breaking his oath of office by swearing it? How could he break it by swearing it? Because his (and Obama's) foreign money transactions don't allow him to hold Federal office, according to Title 15, for enriching family members (Hunter) through foreign transactions, as well as bribing foreign governments by threatening to withhold money unless demands were met.

So you see? Legally Biden absolutely can't hold federal office of any sort. I wonder if that includes Federal dog catcher, or Federal garbage collector?

Activity: 2170
Merit: 1094
Terrence K. Williams tweeted:

Wait. So white supremacists stormed the Capitol to overthrow the white supremacist government but were stopped by the white supremacist police force and are now being tracked down by the white supremacist FBI?
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
apart from the fact that those identified are trumpettes.
even the woman who died trying to break through the door was a trumpette

however. trump has now dis-associated himself from his trumpettes and so that does not make them now leftists.. it makes them limboists. they are in limbo without an influencer. they are stuck in the realm of having no leader to support and idolise

trump wants trouble he wants drama he wants chaos but wont take responsibility for it
lesson learned last year during his 'liberate your state' which he then called the national guard in against his own trumpettes.
they should have learned then. they should learn now. following him is not a good idea
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
^^^ Of course we know the truth. It was Left rioters, often wearing MAGA caps, etc., who were doing the rioting.

Activity: 2716
Merit: 2093
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
Amplifying what I have said elsewhere, the bad-faith abuse of the 25th to remove the President would be an insurrectionary act, a transparent sham covering a coup d’État.  Trump is clearly not suffering any personal incapacity; such claims are, um, trumped-up based on the armchair diagnoses of people who dislike him.  And the political weaponization of the 25th would set a horrible precedent—not that the U.S. Constitution has meant anything for a long time, but this abuse of Constitutional provisions would be a new low.

I must quote hereby the following, because Big Tech’s censorship is inhibiting Trump from directly reaching his supporters with his anti-rioting message—at just the moment when the liar-media are endlessly repeating the absolute lie that he incited the Capitol riot.  More people need to see this.  Please spread it.

(I quote Fox News because it’s the primary source.  I typically despise Fox News as the American GOP/neocon warmonger propaganda outlet.  Boldface added.)

"In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking and NO vandalism of any kind," the president said in a statement to Fox News. "That is not what I stand for and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You."

Oh wow, Trump said 'no violence plz'?  Well I guess now we know the truth.  Case closed, nice work.
copper member
Activity: 630
Merit: 2614
If you don’t do PGP, you don’t do crypto!
Amplifying what I have said elsewhere, the bad-faith abuse of the 25th to remove the President would be an insurrectionary act, a transparent sham covering a coup d’État.  Trump is clearly not suffering any personal incapacity; such claims are, um, trumped-up based on the armchair diagnoses of people who dislike him.  And the political weaponization of the 25th would set a horrible precedent—not that the U.S. Constitution has meant anything for a long time, but this abuse of Constitutional provisions would be a new low.

I must quote hereby the following, because Big Tech’s censorship is inhibiting Trump from directly reaching his supporters with his anti-rioting message—at just the moment when the liar-media are endlessly repeating the absolute lie that he incited the Capitol riot.  More people need to see this.  Please spread it.

(I quote Fox News because it’s the primary source.  I typically despise Fox News as the American GOP/neocon warmonger propaganda outlet.  Boldface added.)

Totally has lot a lot of supporters by the way that he acted.

Kind of...

A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll pegs Trump’s approval at just 34 percent, the lowest in four years of tracking opinions of the president’s job performance.

Not that much off the ~40% he's usually at, is it?

According to Rasmussen (2021-01-14) [edit: archive], Trump currently has 46% approval (34% “Strongly Approve”) versus 53% disapproval (43% “Strongly Disapprove”).

I think that it’s likely that he is picking up almost as much new support as he is losing.  Hate-crazed liberals are making a martyr of him.

But anyway...

I would not trust the polling of approval ratings. The polls were far off in the 2020 election, and I have no reason to believe their accuracy has since improved.

That is an extreme understatement.

GOP leadership is firmly not behind Trump right now. Trump's behavior is also a risk to the future of the Republican party, so [...]

In 2016, Trump was supposed to be the challenger for Americans who distrusted the GOP after decades of being betrayed by them.  He has always been disliked by the corrupt career-politician GOP leadership, and especially by the neocons.  It was as much an upset for him to win the party nomination as it was for him to win the general election; but the GOP leadership had no choice but to go along, because Trump was overwhelmingly popular.

Trump was the anti-GOP candidate for Americans who wish for a viable new political party—a practical impossibility in American politics.

The only thing that has changed is that many Trump voters have recently felt as many Republicans did in the mid-90s, after Gingrich’s “Contract with America” turned out to be a pack of glib false promises.  But that does not bode well for GOP leadership:  Rather, it just means that Trump voters came to see Trump as same-old, same-old corrupt GOP.  I believe that this is why he lost the election (or perhaps better said: why he could not muster enough legitimate votes to overwhelm any ballot fraud on the other side).  And I am not just thinking this now; I predicted it in 2019.  I basically agree with Ann Coulter’s analysis of this (though I disagree with her about some other things, she is often a quite astute political observer).

(Some context on my perspective:  In 2015–16, I got called nasty names for warning Trump supporters of my prediction that he was a big talker who would break his promises.  I basically said in 2015–16 a much stronger version of what Ann Coulter started to say in 2019; and at the time, I used similar rhetoric about Trump v. Hillary as I more recently did about Trump v. Biden.)

Now, I expect that the liberal establishment making a martyr of Trump will bring back many of those disillusioned Trump supporters, in addition to gaining him many new supporters.  Whether he likes it or not, Trump is a generalized symbol of being against everything that is horribly wrong in America.  To some degree, he has always been that—it was how he upset the GOP in the first place!—but now, it is even moreso by an order of magnitude.  Perpend the fact that he is the first American president ever to be massively censored, shut down, deplatformed, and even unbanked.  How could he avoid being a symbol to those who are disgusted by the whole system?

Edit:  Added archival link for current Rasmussen poll numbers.
copper member
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1901
Amazon Prime Member #7

Totally has lot a lot of supporters by the way that he acted. There’s no real way to defend the actions of the President leading up to the Capitol riot because he really was the main reason that these people thought the election was stolen from him. There’s no merit to support all of these crazy claims about the voting systems, fake ballots, mail in fraud, and so on and so forth.

Donald Trump has now been impeached (again) by the House and there is a chance that he is found guilty by the Senate. i think this all highly depends on the timing of Dems sending it to the Senate. If they send it now / in the first few days of the Biden admin when Dems have control of the Senate then I think the liklihood is high as this is still news.

Though if this is sent 100 days from now or some shit like that, then there’s a pretty low chance of passing as it gives the GOP the out of ‘well this is already done and he is so far out of the Presidency, why are we even doing this’ — Plus people won’t really care at this point.
I think there are legitimate concerns about the election, but Trump's messaging was horrible. Trump was repeating unsubstantiated nonsense that likely cost the GOP the Senate after the GA runoff elections.

GOP leadership is firmly not behind Trump right now. Trump's behavior is also a risk to the future of the Republican party, so Republican leadership has good reason to not want Trump to be able to run for President in 2024. An impeachment conviction would prevent Trump from being able to run for office in 2024, and more importantly, would prevent him from running as a 3rd party candidate when he loses the Republican nomination.

Republican leadership did not "whip" votes in the Impeachment vote, and if it has not been as hurried as it was, I suspect more Republicans would have voted to impeach. There are reports that McConnel is very mad at Trump, and may go as far as to vote to convict Trump in an impeachment trial. My guess is if Trump is acquitted, it will be narrow.
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