Reward per share = block reward / difficulty
So reward per Thps = block reward / difficulty / 2^32 * 1e12
For one day and current difficulty and pool fee = 2%
25 / 3815723798.8146 / 2^32 * 1e12 * 86400 * 0.98 = 0.1291645 btc per day
For the near future, your earnings will probably decline exponentially, at a rate of about 20% per retarget.
plus or minus luck...
[edit] ah I see the 0.98 is the luck bit sorry...
[edit2] and as if by magic the monthly luck just went from 0.98 to 1.00 - as though slush were watching - so your daily rate jumps to a whopping 0.1318
No, you were right, plus or minus luck. The 0.98 is what you're paid after the pool fee.
Scryptguild and clevermining. I can just about scrape a profit using multicoin mining, but making a profit mining Bitcoin is just too touch and go.