Before I get started, was the 2 second block invalid because it lost an orphan race or because it was invalid for some other reason? And was it two seconds after the last solved block for the network or for the pool?
Alas I only have these details from the slush api. My simple java app writes the blocks to a file over time.
Here is an extract of the log files:
239597=2013-06-04 04:07:32,1:44:35,0.00615060,12426,1.09,12153411,
239581=2013-06-04 02:22:57,1:06:19,0.00568213,12426,1.09,12153411,
239579=2013-06-04 01:16:38,1:19:04,0.00532830,12426,1.09,12153411,
239570=2013-06-03 23:57:34,0:00:02,0.00457616,12426,1.09,12153411,invalid
239557=2013-06-03 22:39:26,1:02:08,0.00631690,12581,1.19,12153411,
239550=2013-06-03 21:37:18,1:47:07,0.00620117,12382,1.24,12153411,
239530=2013-06-03 19:50:11,0:23:53,0.00621462,12406,1.29,12153411,
As you can see, there is no indication from the api as to whether the block is invalid because it's orphaned or some other cause. But the logs show this was not a consecutive block for slush. The previous slush block before the 239570 2 second invalid was 239557...
[edit] btw check out the average time for a found block in them days - max 2 hours - and the difficulty only 12 million, and the entire pool hashrate of ~ 12 TH/s - them were the days...