(...) but I think that "anti-pool" hopping routine is overly punishing Shares that come to the server just a few seconds late.
Rejecting shares that have come late for the work just finished (a block found either by us or by somebody else) has nothing to do with anti-hoping algorithm.
I mean when a round is i.e. 10 hours and I contributed @ full average speed for 9h 59m with the final shares somehow being a tad delayed (despite my GUIminers showing no evidence of any delay/problem whatsoever), that shouldn't be punished so hard.
So are your shares delayed or not? :-) Somehow... :-)))
BTW, do not use guiminer...
Just stopping miners (which ran days uninterrupted 24/7) for only 10 seconds (!) to change some settings is making the rewarded BTC taking a considerable and unproportional hit, IMHO that's not okay and making me considering to at least try other pools.
In the end results, their additional fees become insignificant when compared to the losses I see here everyday due to that extremely aggressive scoring/time vs. reward reduction routine :/
Do you think that you manage to always break your mining just before the round end for maintenace?
BTW, a 10 seconds may make some hit, but not a considerable one. The anti-hoping algorithm parametres had been even relaxed a bit lately AFAIK.
In most cases, when you break your mining for 10 seconds, it occures somewhere during the round. And the resulting hit will be negligible.
Tuning the settings is a rare occasion in normal operation. Pool fees OTOH are a regular all time cost.
Additionally because of being new around here, such events always leave a nagging doubt that this behaviour is systemic and intentionally scooping off small fractions of BTC Rewards per participant. No proof for that of course but the doubt remains (especially because now big money is involved every day), those repeating small issues don't quite reduce these doubts :/
Just my 2 cents from a low profile miner, I'd probably be much more unhappy if I had some big THash rigs rolling and seeing the same...
Just look into your own mouth. If something like that was going here, large miners would notice long time before you could. And if you are either unsatisfied with the scoring algorithm, or in doubt about the pool consistency, you really can consider joining another pool.
[edit]: typo