Better to accept that reality and move forward, if it's needed for you to move away from gambling then do so, as it saves you a lot including your relationships with those people who cares for you, take things as a hard lesson to learn after suffering, there are things that you need to consider and you need to face along the way, no need to turn your back and retry your luck if you already lose a huge amount as it can be repeated if you push your way and it's more unhealthy if you suffer another big loses..
After a big loss (or when you lose your deposit) there is a regret to leave gambling, and you just want to relax without betting, but most often after a few weeks or months there is a desire to return again. I do not think that this is an addiction that I can not give up, I just like it and even when I do not bet I still continue to follow the teams, so I am aware of things and can always return.
This is something I believe that happens to almost all gamblers/sports bettors, this is not addiction at all, taking a break and later returning back to gamble is not or does not mean the person is addicted to gambling, infact, the ability to even take a break successfully for several days or weeks or even months without placing any bet shows that the person is not addicted, because for an addicted gamblers, this is absolutely impossible to do.
An addicted gambler may decide to take a break from gambling for maybe one week or one month, but he or she will only end up taking a break for just the very few hours that is remaining for the next day to come, and as soon as he or she is up the next day, he or she is back to gambling, this is how entangling gambling addiction can be.