2. Tell someone: You have to have at least one person in your life (the more the better) to whom you can share your feelings and let them know about your situation. It will help a lot because if you continue to live in isolation with that feeling, trust me, you will not be capable of taking care of yourself. There is no shame in taking help in these matters; instead, it is a sign of great courage to honestly tell someone how you are feeling.
I assume you're a man, right?
People will laugh at you after you tell your story, they will say you're very stupid and make fun of you, not to mention some people are encouraging men to shut up because men are strong.
This is total bad idea. Instead i rather wallow in isolation that speak about my gambling problems to another person. People tend to make things more worst for you when you share your gambling problems with them. They might end up looking at you like an addicted gambler. Maybe later in the future that they aint your friend anymore, they will start speaking bad about you to other persons.
In my case, I always tell my wife whenever I have a big loss since I’m always honest with her. I use money what I can afford to lose but sometimes I add some from my personal savings to spice up my game. Telling your problem to a person you trust will help you clear heavy feeling in your chest because you knew someone will understand and help you.
How she react after you tell that? most of my friends said if their wife know they're in big loss due to gambling, instead of listen and give a suggestion, they will force to completely quit gambling and getting mad. This mean, you're not yet solve your problem, but she have already give more problem to you.
Here I agree with @Stablexcoin, many people don't want to accept our bad personality/failure, that's why most people said "life is like a theater".