It's worth alot more than $55 per coin, simple as. It's value as an exchange coin for the illegal drugs market alone makes it worth 10x that.
Omg, I never thought of that. Its damn stupid to use something as easily manipulated as gox to get an exchange rate but there's another market knows exactly what the price should be
I know this post was from a few days ago but can anyone explain to me the logic in it?
I don't see the drug trade being very supportive of the bitcoin price at all. Tear apart my logic and show me where I'm wrong.
Presuming a drug dealer sold $1,000 of (X) per day when coins were stable around $30/BTC.
That means that on any given day drug purchasers were buying $1,000 of new BTC on a market = (-33.33 BTC)
AND the drug dealer was selling yesterdays $1,000 of BTC on a market = (+33.33 BTC)
As long as his sales stay flat the drug dealer exerts no pressure on BTC price at all.
In fact if the the BTC price goes up then the drug dealer needs fewer coins to transact his business.
Only if the price goes down does he needs more coins.
As such, the support level that drug dealing lends must be less than $30/BTC
If the price oscillates around $30/BTC slowly the drug dealer doesn't have to care.
If the price moves faster, drug dealers are very likely to become day to day speculators and amplify the oscillation.
(turn over BTC slowly while the price moves up, turn over BTC quickly while the price moves down.
In no way to I see how the drug trade could possibly "support" a BTC price at the $550 level. You would have to presume that the drug trade had grown crazy exponentially since the $30/BTC level.