so should I deposit into this game or the next one?
can someone give some feedback on how its going? The last post in the other thread was 5th March.
now the return is 250% !!!
when this round is over it will be 130% on day one, 150% day two and so on
250% "pending" would be a more accurate assessment.
Im interested to see how the final 24hrs plays out. I will watch with great interest, how can those not paid by the 7th day get any return when the game closes? Maybe im not getting it, but to me it looks like those that invest last loose their investment..unless it carries over into game 2?
The ONLY way to get paid is if someone else enters and pays enough BTC to pay someone ahead of him. There are always winners and always losers in the Ponzi model. The payout increase to encourage others to keep paying into the system.