We need powerusers (e.g. allZuckedUp) to check new branch
NOTE: following test has been performed on VIRTUALIZED enviroment. Host setup:
- CPU: pretty OLD i5, MOBILE version
- 1.5G RAM
so - nothing fancy
let's compile and start daemon
git clone -b fixed_sync https://github.com/8bit-dev/8bit.git && cd 8bit/src/ && make -f makefile.unix -j2 && strip -s 8bitd && mv 8bitd ~ && cd
wget http://www.8-bit.party/static/bootstrap.dat.bz2 && bunzip2 bootstrap.dat.bz2 && mkdir .8bit && mv boostrap.dat .8bit
vi .8bit/8bit.conf (... par=2 dbcache=120)
let's go
Mon 31 Aug 20:23:43 BST 2015
8Bit server starting
we start with empty databases
init message: Loading addresses...
ERROR: CAddrman::Read() : open failed
Invalid or missing peers.dat; recreating
Loaded 0 addresses from peers.dat 0ms
new feature
[bootstrap.dat] Loading blockfile from external file /home/party8bit/.8bit/bootstrap.dat
let's get current height / other (fully synced) node
date;./8bitd -datadir=.8bit getblockcount
Mon Aug 31 22:25:17 CEST 2015
let's see where are we now
date;tail -2 .8bit/debug.log
Mon 31 Aug 21:25:19 BST 2015
SetBestChain: new best=c7529a4b12f3b11793066ed4db027125a3eb1744005d661236f1b2f5ee81e6c8 height=30239 trust=211906661110443464 blocktrust=5222802184991 date=05/11/15 16:08:16
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
So with updated code and fresh bootstrap.dat, after one hour I have synced my chain up to height 30239 what basically means that it took me about one hour to download 17.4% of blockchain. So within 6 hours I will have fully synced, almost 5 months old 8BIT blockchain.