
Topic: 94 year old healthy woman gets the vaccine. - page 5. (Read 1440 times)

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Imagine that you took a bunch of vitamin C + zinc, and some extra vitamin D,

There is no money there to be made. It is more interesting from a scientific point of view to give pharmaceutical companies many billions in profits by effectively forcing people to get vaccinated. Maybe if @oeleo stops by he will leave a couple of links about how scientifically interesting it is that pharmaceutical companies make multi-billion dollar profits and how scientifically uninteresting high levels of vitamin D are as immune system protectors.

what your not realising is that badecker is actually influenced more by a group that want to make pharma profit.
pharma sell supplements to dropshippers who sell it to supplement pyramid schemes and cults.

the amount of money he wants citizens to pay on supplements for pharma manufacturers is far more than the amount that government create though quantitative easing that does not cost citizens money.
badecker wants people swallowing multiple capsules a day.. government want one prick in the arm a year.
which healthcare 'practice' seems more involved. 1/year of 3/day

badecker salivates imagining the world 'taking a bunch of vit c, zinc and some vit d.
the stupid part is that badecker is soo low on the cult of supplement salesmen pyramids that he doesnt realise he is being used as a puppet salesman. but not going to get any financial gain from it.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 2017
Imagine that you took a bunch of vitamin C + zinc, and some extra vitamin D,

There is no money there to be made. It is more interesting from a scientific point of view to give pharmaceutical companies many billions in profits by effectively forcing people to get vaccinated. Maybe if @oeleo stops by he will leave a couple of links about how scientifically interesting it is that pharmaceutical companies make multi-billion dollar profits and how scientifically uninteresting high levels of vitamin D are as immune system protectors.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
you couldnt even bother answering the questions. but want to pretend that IF people didnt have the issues.. yet reality is that people do have issues. and no an orange or a prayer wont cure these issues

But after they afe dead, the Covid issue is gone, but the judgment issue begins. However, Followers of God absolutely are saved from issues more than those who aren't followers. Do your research.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
you couldnt even bother answering the questions. but want to pretend that IF people didnt have the issues.. yet reality is that people do have issues. and no an orange or a prayer wont cure these issues
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
badecker seems to be a vaccine denier as he cries about the needle prick.

badecker here are two options.. imagine you were 94years old
0.001% risk of allergic reaction
0.1% risk of loose stalls(diarrhoea)
10% sore arm
5% of death
15% of breathlessness
30% risk of restless nights
over 50% risk of annoying coughing fever/chill

which would you choose
simply quote this and put in a X which [] you prefer for each question
            vaccine                                                    covid
Q1. [ ]10% sore arm for 1 day....... or........ [ ] 50% just cough fever and chill for 7days+
Q2. [ ]10% risk of fatigue..........or ............[ ]25% breathing issues
Q3. [ ]5% aches/pains couple days ... or ... [ ]20% aches/pains 7days+
Q4. [ ]0.1% risk of frequent toilet......or......[ ] 15% risk of frequent toilet use
Q5. [ ]0.001% risk of allergic reaction.. or.. [ ]5% death risk

(yes this woman in this topic is in the 5%+ risk threshold of death from covid as admitted by her shielding status criteria)

Now, f-1. Imagine that you took a bunch of vitamin C + zinc, and some extra vitamin D, and worshiped God Who protected you, and didn't have any of the problems you are talking about. Why get the vaccine? Just so that you have some problems that you got rid of with the v-C and zinc and v-D and prayer?

You're kinda backwards in your thinking.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
badecker seems to be a vaccine denier as he cries about the needle prick.

badecker here are two options.. imagine you were 94years old
0.001% risk of allergic reaction
0.1% risk of loose stools(diarrhoea)
10% sore arm
5% of death
15% of breathlessness
30% risk of restless nights
over 50% risk of annoying coughing fever/chill

which would you choose
simply quote this and put in a X which [] you prefer for each question
            vaccine                                                    covid
Q1. [ ]10% sore arm for 1 day....... or........ [ ] 50% just cough fever and chill for 7days+
Q2. [ ]10% risk of fatigue..........or ............[ ]25% breathing issues
Q3. [ ]5% aches/pains couple days ... or ... [ ]20% aches/pains 7days+
Q4. [ ]0.1% risk of frequent toilet......or......[ ] 15% risk of frequent toilet use
Q5. [ ]0.001% risk of allergic reaction.. or.. [ ]5% death risk

(yes this woman in this topic is in the 5%+ risk threshold of death from covid as admitted by her shielding status criteria)
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

1. mycobacteria can hibernate or more precicesly slow down their replication rate down. but once released they replicate and do damage.
the vaccine does not do damage. they also actually know the decay rate of mrna and the capsid

You might have a point, there. The vaccine might do no damage at all. However, somebody might want to call the reaction that the body has to it, damage from the vaccine.

The vaccine juice simply floats around and tells the body that it's there. The body isn't smart enough to understand that the vaccine is just juice. So the body takes it serious and goes into all kinds of horrific, immune system, panic, konniption fits.

It's the body's fault, not the fault of the vaccine. And, it is the fault of the thinking part of the body, to blindly forget that in nature, almost 100% of skin breaking happenings produce harm, and that the medical hasn't really cured anything with vaccines. But maybe ignorance is bliss, right?


Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
- The process will continue for an indefinite period of time and nobody really knows what the long-term ramifications will be.

please do your research.
all of the vaccines do not replicate.
the rna that 'creates' the protein only lasts a few days/weeks..

there is no indefinite period.

try to not assume and instead RESEARCH

Try to brush up on your reading skills.  I did not say that all of the vaccines do replicate.  Beyond that, replication is not necessary for long duration effects.

Mycobacteria such as TB wrap themselves in a dense lipid layer which sounds outwardly similar to the technology used to protect the mRNA.  These are engulfed by immune system cells but not killed.  A TB infection obtained at age 8 back in the 'old country' can manifest at age 80 when, for whatever set of reasons, the microbe is able to escape it's entombment.

I can research the hell out of what the corporations who make the vaccines tell us about them, but they are already paying billions for lying about the safety or their products so what they is not credible to me.  Preciously little, if any, independent audits are being done on 'their science'.  99.9% of the facilities who even could do this kind of work are captured which negates their ability to find ANYTHING derogatory about the so-called 'vaccines' whether it exists or not.

1. mycobacteria can hibernate or more precicesly slow down their replication rate down. but once released they replicate and do damage.
the vaccine does not do damage. they also actually know the decay rate of mrna and the capsid

actually when you think about it. if it was possible to trick the body to keep the vaccine capsid sealed and then release it at different stages. that would actually be great. as it would extend immunity by being its own periodic booster shot
issue is that there is no hibernate trick in the vaccine.

2. well try to realise Vaers and yellow card systems exist. its not like the vaccines are jabbed into peoples arms by pfizer/moderna/Az's CEO. yep a company makes a vaccine.. a governments purchase the vaccine. governments then double check the vaccine and then health care employees do the jabs.
if you think that the vaccine CEO is also the vaccine lab tech, who is the same person as the politician. same person as the quality check technician. the same person as the nurse giving the vaccine.. then you really are not researching the processes involved.
the vaccine facilities are inspected. they have their quality assurance process as they dont want to get fined or lose contracts or have bad media reports about them. an yes they dont want to kill anyone by mistake.
they clearly tell what the risk factors are. EG the people with pre existing allergies. yep they have spent millions promoting the risks.
government/health departments then do their own quaity assurance procosses
 there are actual processes to monitor batches. they do actually pull out and recall bad batches
so your 99.9 is actually more like 0.00001% odds

try to learn the processes and stop having the opinion that there is just 1 puppet master doing it all in a secret basement
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Her case of eyesight is not abnormal for her as she is 94, but at that age its also not abnormal to have reoccurring health issues, this doesn't have to be covid-19, she maybe has already had the fear that the vaccine will give into her health complication, then body is reacting to the mind, just like what placebo treatment does to some patient, I pray for quick recovery onto her.

The point seems to be that she was fine until she got vaccinated. Who can tell for absolute sure? Maybe she would have developed problems in the same way, even if she hadn't gotten the vaccine. But the timing seems to bee too exact for there to NOT be a connection.

We could go into all kinds of nutrients that could have made her almost immune to Covid... totally not needing a vaccine. But the vaccine focus should be on the side effects. Some people are dying from it. Can this be proven? Perhaps. But so far the only proof we have is the timing.

A second important focus should be on people making their own decision without being coerced. Being 94, she was probably somewhat dependent on her daughter's advice in many things. After all, she grew up and lived most of her life without computers, and maybe even credit cards. Modern technology was new for her. So she depended on the advice of her daughter.

Loads of medical people are afraid of the vaccine. Daughter should have done research before advising.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
- The process will continue for an indefinite period of time and nobody really knows what the long-term ramifications will be.

please do your research.
all of the vaccines do not replicate.
the rna that 'creates' the protein only lasts a few days/weeks..

there is no indefinite period.

try to not assume and instead RESEARCH

Try to brush up on your reading skills.  I did not say that all of the vaccines do replicate.  Beyond that, replication is not necessary for long duration effects.

Mycobacteria such as TB wrap themselves in a dense lipid layer which sounds outwardly similar to the technology used to protect the mRNA.  These are engulfed by immune system cells but not killed.  A TB infection obtained at age 8 back in the 'old country' can manifest at age 80 when, for whatever set of reasons, the microbe is able to escape it's entombment.

I can research the hell out of what the corporations who make the vaccines tell us about them, but they are already paying billions for lying about the safety or their products so what they is not credible to me.  Preciously little, if any, independent audits are being done on 'their science'.  99.9% of the facilities who even could do this kind of work are captured which negates their ability to find ANYTHING derogatory about the so-called 'vaccines' whether it exists or not.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
- The process will continue for an indefinite period of time and nobody really knows what the long-term ramifications will be.

please do your research.
all of the vaccines do not replicate.
the rna that 'creates' the protein only lasts a few days/weeks..

there is no indefinite period.

try to not assume and instead RESEARCH
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Now I know personally of 5 family members in Oregon who have got the Moderna (none Pfizer).  It's been a few days now.  All have slight soreness of the arm but nothing more.  Or at least nothing more than they'll admit since I've been doing my best to warn them that they are becoming test subjects and taking all the risk for no reward or even any help if they are among the percentage who will get sick or die.

From what I can tell, the covid gene therapies are getting pretty beat up in VAERS relative to others, but that's not saying much.  I, like Dell Bigtree, do kind of anticipate VAERS achieving a higher reporting rate for the 'covid vax' stuff than the 1% or less it gets from other vaccines.

Unless there are multiple formulations going around (some being more or less inert) the people who got it now:

 - Have some of their cells re-programmed to produce virus parts and express them as surface proteins.

 - Their immune systems will notice and react to the new form of cells.  Perhaps attack and kill them, or perhaps tolerate them.

 - The process will continue for an indefinite period of time and nobody really knows what the long-term ramifications will be.

 - Until a new coronavirus comes along ('challenges' to use scientific terminology) it is unknown if there will be the same type of immune enhancement and cytokine storms which killed the cats, ferrets, etc in earlier attempts at making a coronavirus vaccine with standard methods (like some of the Chinese and Indian covid-19 vaccines use now.)

 - If there are going to be autoimmunity issues as a result of normal body cells suddenly starting to express viral appearing surface proteins it is unknown how long it will typically take to become apparent.  Will have to watch for that as well.

 - None of the people are subject to becoming pregnant so female sterility cannot be evaluated with this set.

It does seem to me from what I can see so far that the results from the abbreviated P1 and P2 trials for Moderna (at least) were a lot more severe than the results from the field (known in pre-new-normal times as phase 3 trials).  That is why I wonder how much things have been tweeked, or if there is simply a percentage of the 'vaccines' which are active and a percentage which are not.  To get the actual development work done corp/gov really doesn't need anywhere near the guinea pig counts up into the 10's or 100's of millions, and a lot of body-bags would cause suspicion and consternation among the potential future victims.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
so 6 hours ago i had my vaccine..
and im sat here writing this with no symptoms.

the process was easy. you arrive on time. and sit in a waiting area for a few minutes until they call your name
they check if you had any vaccines in last couple weeks. if you have allergies. and if your ok to take the vaccine
then have the jab
then walk to another waiting area and sit for 5 minutes.
yep they say minimum 5 minutes unless your worried about symptoms. then stay for 15

so within the relatives i have and relative-in laws thats 7 people that had vaccines and the only symptoms was in 1 relative that had the pfizer vaccine that had a sore(but functional) arm for one day

me and other 6 had the oxford AZ
and one said they felt tired. but that could be due to them being tired before the vaccine too
and no symptoms for the rest
so far so good for me. and all fine for the rest..
no big deal

age range is from over 30-under 70

if you know someone that has known allergies then make sure you tell the people giving the vaccine that
hero member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 711
"Play Poker on Telegram"
That doesn't caused because of the vaccine, provided that she is aged she prom to any contamination of any kind of disease or infection provided the area of treatment, because her immune systems are extremely weak, irrespective of her physical healthy appearance it will be affected if the environment is kind of contamination of numerous disease's, its obvious that ages matters for fast transmission of chronicle disease, so by right she not suppose to be together with other covid patients in  isolating center.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
Read the OP and see what kinds of things are happening to all kinds of people.

Whilst I hope that Jet Cash's partner's friend is okay, your statement here isn't a valid argument.

You can't say "x happened to one person, therefore it's a general trend across the country/world". In order to understand what is happening, you need to start from large datasets.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
tvbcof trying to claw his way out of his lies.

All f-1 is doing is attempting to hide his lies, by talking about the truths of other people as though they were lies. If he gets his way, he will distract readers from the OP, so that they won't become interested in finding the real truth for themselves.

tvbcof and badeckers words are not truths. they are opinions. and when looking at the facts and data and statistics and observations by the wide population.. its obvious that tvbcof and badecker are not telling the truth.

in their mind they may belief their words. but a self belief is not the same as verified fact by majority of population
basically their belief is a fantasy

atleast tvbcof is trying(badly) but trying to pull himself out of his mistakes.  but it still is not good enough when he tries jumping out of one hole and straight into another

This opinion of yours isn't very interesting at all. Read the OP and see what kinds of things are happening to all kinds of people.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
tvbcof trying to claw his way out of his lies.

All f-1 is doing is attempting to hide his lies, by talking about the truths of other people as though they were lies. If he gets his way, he will distract readers from the OP, so that they won't become interested in finding the real truth for themselves.

tvbcof and badeckers words are not truths. they are opinions. and when looking at the facts and data and statistics and observations by the wide population.. its obvious that tvbcof and badecker are not telling the truth.

in their mind they may belief their words. but a self belief is not the same as verified fact by majority of population
basically their belief is a fantasy

atleast tvbcof is trying(badly) but trying to pull himself out of his mistakes.  but it still is not good enough when he tries jumping out of one hole and straight into another
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
tvbcof trying to claw his way out of his lies.

All f-1 is doing is attempting to hide his lies, by talking about the truths of other people as though they were lies. If he gets his way, he will distract readers from the OP, so that they won't become interested in finding the real truth for themselves.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
tvbcof trying to claw his way out of his lies.

heck i even said last february that flights were coming in and out of wuhan even though they locked down in january..
i found out later these were not wuhan domestic flights. but other flights doing 'repatriations' and also transporting goods.
any way its been a year and tvbcof still thinks the wuhan origins were people eating bats.
maybe if he spent the year researching and not repeating conspiracy sites like other idiots have done. he would learn that covid didnt jump from bat to human via eating a bat.
the actual path was bats coming into contact with another animal. highly suggested as a pangolin. and that it was the pangolins that spread it in their population in 2019. and then when hunted and brought to market it passed to humans
its not said anything about eating pangolins. but just handling their scales without gloves and good hygiene

its strange how tvbcof doesnt understand how chickens need to be immunised and separated from other farm animals..
an then when sold handled with good common sens hygiene principles and also cooked well to avoid things like salmonella. common sense you need to wash and cook chickens thoroughly.
you cant eat chicken raw. even though you could thousands of years ago.  why.. because animals have nasties in them.. thats now the accepted norm
yes it would be great to have pathogen free animals in the world. but thats not the real world.

yep if you dont handle chicken properly. you can get sick. if you dont handle any animal properly you can be affected by a multitude of things. pigs can give you parasites. cows ecoli and parasites. cats and dogs fleas and rabies. the list goes on

thats why its important that farms/animal breeding/markets should be monitored for health risks. much like how restaurants have a hygiene certification inspection.

otherwise this wont be the last big pandemic to occur due to animal cross contamination

thats common sense advice thats been around for decades. and just because the WEF said it last year does not mean they created an event. it just means out of the many organisations saying it for decades one idiot found a video thats most recent to an event.
the conclusion is.. that it seem the advice over the decades fell on deaf ears
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Sorry, petty insults and a video from February 18th 2020 aren't evidence either.

Since March 22, 2020, the country's borders have been closed to foreign travellers.

Amazing that a video from before the borders were closed showed the borders not being closed. Roll Eyes
Maybe you could find a video of a concert from 2018 to prove there is no lockdown either.

It's crazy how people will miss use videos without looking properly at the facts. There is a strong bias for using videos and articles for your arguments even though they might be wrong.

My grand mother is 90 and she will get the vaccine next week. I hope everything goes well.

I made a correction as an addition (not removing the original and semi-invalid information) when I spotted the error just as any honest person would do.

I also pointed out that there were at the present time, 6 international flights inbound or outbound from Vietnam that I saw on flightradar24 which calls into serious question the idea that only 'select special diplomats' are entering and the country.

Anyone who understands anything about epidemiology will have some pretty significant questions about the ability to isolate for over a year to 'protect' against coronavirus.  This is particularly the case since at the time the vid I found was made there was a LOT of SARS-cov-2 among the population, and they are claiming 2500 or so infections even today.  I saw more recent vids of Hanoi which show what was described to me by friends on the ground (and what I see in the SE Asian country I'm in with 500,000 claimed infections).  That is, motorcycles riders being fairly diligent with masks, but many/most people on the streets and shops not wearing them.  Motor vehicle operators are subject to harassment already for traffic and safety gear violations.  Normal people in street-side shops and on the sidewalk much less so.


Way back in 1/2020 there was a hypothesis going around that some populations might be especially susceptible to death from a given coronavirus (it was not called 'SARS-cov-2' at the time but rather '2019-nCov' which was the same label used in the WEF and Gates' 'event 201 simulation' a in 9/2019 two months before the bat eaters in Wuhan caused the real one...for those who believe that story.)

The reason suggested was related to whether certain populations had been exposed to certain things which others had not.  Specifically certain covert drug trials.  When a disparity in deaths per 100,000 between populations goes from 0.04 (Vietnam) to 156 (U.S.) that seems quite inconsistent with expectations in the study of infectious disease considering the classification of 'pandemic'.

On a case fatality basis, 0.03% (Thailand) compared to 8.90% (Mexico) seems a better match for a situation where there are environmental factors following political boundaries (e.g. drug trails) going on that a general difference in the physiology of the people.

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