After reading this article, I would say the main character mentioned in this article does have strong determination to fight against his own gambling addiction, if a person who is seriously addicted to gambling does not even have a strong perseverance and determination to quit gambling, I believe this banking app would not be able to help much too. This story shows how scary it is when someone became seriously addicted to gambling, they could end up paying debts for their whole life due to their gambling addiction, and basically their life would be ruin if they are not able to step out from it.
I kinda agree with this, there definitely needs to be a strong will to quit their addiction, otherwise they'll just find other ways to get money.
When you're a real gambling addict, you need the help from your family/partner as well to help you manage your money.
An addict will do whatever he/she can to get more money. They'll lie, steal or find money somehow and this banking app wouldn't stop them if they really wanted to get their hands on money.
That said, I do think it can be a very helpful tool for someone who's determined to quit gambling.
Yeah, quitting gambling is actually not an easy task on its own for someone who is addicted, so we have to take that into consideration and to have gotten to that stage, one way or the other for the person, there must have been a moment that would have really taken them aback to check on their life and see that things are not actually going right and in this case, this guy mentioned the death of his mother was the major factor that even sprouted it in him.
However just like barcode said, it is still all about the strong determination and I agree with what you said that an addict will always go to any length to just want to satisfy that urge, which I believe even as much as this tool can be helpful, it would take the person to even be ready to want to help him or herself.
I kinda changed my mind on what I said earlier, thinking of a similar situation with an acquaintance of mine.
Some people can actually get rid of their addiction themselves, with the help of tools like the banking app OP mentioned.
I'd even say they would come out stronger than those who've relied on much outside help to get rid of their addiction.
I do think that even hardcore addicts can get so sick and tired of their addiction, that they manage to deal with it themselves.
Now, I am in no way saying that getting external help isn't the right move, just that it isn't the only option that works for some people.