Here's a list of things I really doubt:
- someone would waste the time/effort to hack a 21 inc device holding fractions of a dollar
- an ethernet port + cable would be less expensive than wifi
- people want extra cables running though their house
- people want a phone charger that has to be within X feet of their router for it to function
Ok you have a point, but since we have agreed to rule out the USB hubs/chargers let's move on from this subject because this will not be their main product. This is only their testing phase and yes they can afford to sink a couple hundred thousand for testing stuff. From what I know the R&D from Apple eats up to 1B$ per year. I am sure that Apple had some failed products/tests. Same thing can apply here.
The opex is clearly stated to be 25% of mining earnings. If they plan to give users enough btc to cover electricity costs then it will be 50-100% by time they start mining.
You lost me here. Let's clarify things. Isn't opex an ongoing cost for 21 inc? If consumers are paying for power that's not a cost for 21 inc. Unless you see it as they give up 25% in order to gain 75%. For me the opex is nil. It's less than 1 beer per month in most decent countries.
If your view is different please explain.
At this point I can easily ignore the 35$ USB charging hubs. I don't like them so much, but the routers and mining cores into regular chips seem a very good idea with minimal capex.
I actually agree with you on this one.
I wouldn't say putting mining cores in regular chips is a great idea, but it's definitely not absurd like putting chips in a toaster/phone charger/microwave/etc.
Based on my research, I'd say ~$60/kw for a Bitfury style "hashing center". (including everything but the miners)
Fine. That makes it 600k for 100MW and this also comes with a
huge monthly opex that is non-existent in case of 21 inc. 21 inc will mine "on the cloud" with minimal costs
I completely reject your theory that miners will continue to mine past the point that revenue < opex and that there is some mystical service that can somehow make unprofitable mining profitable.
Your analogy doesn't really make sense because internet providers have always had massive profit margins not negative ones.
Well I think it's more than obvious that the consumers will mine at a loss. If they keep only 25% of the earning and they are still making a profit then everyone will start mining just like in 2013 and difficulty will spike again.
Why can't you accept this fact? That consumers will mine at a loss? I have days when my TV is open all day, but I don't watch it. I have days when I forget the lights open and they stay open the whole day and night. Those are money burned that will bring me no benefit, but it's just spare change. I don't care about an extra 1-2$ per month. Nobody will care. This subject is really useless. There are far more important and more dangerous things to discuss than this.