How do you plan on mining without wifi?
And I agree a hardware wallet would be a waste of money, just like this entire idea.
Well I assumed that a standard LAN plug would be cheaper to user and less prone to hacking than wi-fi.
The idea isn't bad at all. The implementation on the other hand can be wrong or bad.
You and s1gs3gv keep asserting this but you never provide any evidence to back it up.
Let's see some math that suggests it makes more sense to go with the plan with double the capex and opex.
The only way I can see it making sense economically is if they rip off their customers.
Well let's see the math. Go ahead
From my point of view the opex is non-existential. The capex is very low and we still don't know who will pay for it. At this point I can easily ignore the 35$ USB charging hubs. I don't like them so much, but the routers and mining cores into regular chips seem a very good idea with minimal capex.
The major flaw in your logic is the fact that these devices will not be controlled by the people whose electricity they are stealing. They will all be controlled by 21 inc, mining on 21 inc's pool.
LOL. The devices are controlled by the people. They can power them off whenever they want or they can just stop the mining. That IS control.
Also we don't know yet how will the mining be managed, but they suggested some sort of p2pool. We don't know yet if and how that will be possible, but my fear is not about the centralized hashing power. I'm more afraid that 21 inc will handle most of the newly generated coins. But I don't see any incentive for them to screw things for everyone with their huge amounts of coins. Having a centralized hashrate seems more dangerous than just holding the most of the newly generated coins. At least for me.
You've got this completely backwards. I'm sure you know that the only way to combat a 51% attack (other than a hard fork) is to add more hashrate.
If the capex for a cost effective datacenter is half the capex of their "miner in everything connected to a wall outlet" plan, then they can deploy twice as much hashrate if they go with the cost effective datacenter.
Again wrong. How on earth can you compare the capex of these 2 situations? Any large player that wants to deploy much hashrate must invest into a good datacenter and into all the required infrastructure which means power and cooling. That adds up fast in terms of capex while having "miner in everything connected to a wall outlet" makes those datacenter costs obsolete.
How much do you think that a 100MW datacenter would cost to be ready for miners deployment? I think that the costs to have 500MW ready for miners are less than the costs directed towards "miners to all" program.. Step 3 from their plan indicates 0 capex
What "various services that derive from mining" do you speak of?
I can't wait to here this one.
Well I don't have all the answers, but I'm not rejecting everything from the start just like you do. The problem here is that you are completely ignoring/rejecting this while I'm simply stating that there is always this possibility. We are not business man so it's a bit hard for us to think of such services, but I am 100% sure that there is at least one "various service that derives from mining". Back in the '80s or '90s the services derived from the Internet were very small and look at today's situation. There are tons of services that derive from the Internet which were something unimaginable in the '80s or '90s. The same can be applied to Bitcoin.
You really don't think people would care when they figure out their $2 phone charger actually cost them $60 over the past 3 years? Then they figure out their toaster, xbox, refrigerator, and electricity meter cost them another few hundred dollars?
I think we could be seeing some class action lawsuits if 21 inc isn't careful about how they market this scheme.
Multiplying the amount by 3 to make it look bigger will still bring the same reply from me. Nobody cares about 60$ in 3 years because the invoice would be monthly and the amount would be too small for anyone to care.
Also 21 inc will not enforce units to mine and one single miner in a household will be enough for their plan.
Friendly bet of 0.1 BTC that we will not see any class action lawsuits in the first year after these devices are being put up on the market?