I think its a good idea until all shares are sold.
And how is it going by the way? How many miners up, how many more planned, hashrate, and what is the dividend plan?
I think having more discussion and details would get more people interested, which would raise more capital for investing, which would generate more interest, etc. etc.
I know I check the forums a few times a day looking for updates.
Also, we should vote maybe on whether we want dividends or to re-invest in more miners? Or is are the miners just to be purchased from the proceeds of selling shares?
Anyway great job so far!
Right now, two miners are currently running consistently. Replacement motherboards are currently being shipped so that the original five rigs can be up and running (the parts are scheduled to arrive on Monday.) Along with that order are the parts for two more rigs, which will bring the total to seven. Current hash rate can be found
here. Planned hashrate once all seven rigs are up should be over seven GHash/sec. The dividend plan is currently being fleshed out, possibly a weekly dividend with a monthly bonus to cover the difference once expenses and growth are accounted for, or a straight monthly dividend. Production of the rigs will first be used to pay for electricity, then for new miners. The remaining profit will be paid in dividends. The amount of growth will be discussed once all the current miners purchased from the initial selling of the IPO are up and running.
So... any of us who bought shares after the price raise got screwed.
The short answer is yes, 25% of what you paid for your share went to someone who bought in for the sole purpose of undercutting the IPO. I apologize for this, I did not foresee that happening.