
Topic: ### A ChainWorks Industries (CWI) Project - Granite | Simple Solid Stable | GRN - page 15. (Read 74272 times)

Activity: 225
Merit: 17
Happy new year 2016 ! Great year for GRN  Wink
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
hi all ...

have a happy new year - and may 2016 be a very fruitful and eventful one that brings smiles and lots of laughter ...

we all have bad times - we all have good times ... we all have seen others hurt - and laugh - and cry ... we have all felt these emotions and gone through the thick and thin of life in general ... we are all a part of this great thing called life - and we are all players in the game of it ...

life is sweet and warm if you let it be - life is bitter and cold if you let it be ...

i live by a few sayings - but one that i live by that is truer than all ... a saying by henry ford ( if i remember correctly ) ...

'whether you think you can , or you think you cant - you are right!' ...

lets be the ones that bring 2016 into the light of life - and think that we CAN much much more often than thinking we cant ...

so much planned - so much in store - so much to be done ... and we CAN ... we just need to find the way to ...

as long as we THINK - we do ... we are right ... negative or positive - we are right ...

njoi your night - day - and all that comes forth from the coming days and year - and the years that come thereafter ...

think well - think positive - think imaginative ... it will happen ...

happy 2016 all ...

Activity: 225
Merit: 17
GOOD philosophy ! I like this.

Thank U !
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
@ #crysx :

I must have missed something ...

what is the "bonus" on your official pool ?  Tongue

Thank u in advance.

the bonus is the mining bonus given to any miner that hits a block ... as well as an overall mining bonus for every block that grn-pool hits for ALL miners as a share to ALL miners ...

these bonus amounts are 7grn for the miner for EVERY block that they hit - and another 7grn total distributed to ALL miners on the pool for helping hit that block that grn-pool hit and is shared / split amongst all the miners ...

so 7grn to the miner + part of 7grn to the total pool + NO fees on ANY of the services provided by the pool = a few bonuses every single time a block gets hit on grn-pool ( even if its not you that hits the block ) ... and NONE of the bonuses come from the block rewards - the bonuses come from the POOL reserves ( when we did charge 1% fees - and any of the donations that the miners donate ) ...

the reason i had this changed to this model from the fee model is two fold ...

first - to entice more miners to the pool itself - with zero fees + bonus block rewards + bonus pool rewards ...
second - to allow a 'fair' way of distributing the coins that are available from mining with us on our official pool ...

the pool now relies on donations from the mining ONLY - and not any fees ... i think thats the best way to work with mining as ALL miners ( as you know im one of them ) have enough fees and costs attached to mining in the 'real' world - without having to be slugged again from the coins they are supporting by mining them in the first place ...

part of the plans that are in place ( and some have already started ) that will be implemented in 2016 for granite is based on this same structure and philosophy ...

if fees can be cut down to bare minimum - they will be ...
if fees can be placed strategically for the benefit of the miner - they will be ...
if fees can be cut out altogether for the miner and the user alike - they definitely will be ...

a comment i responded to on another thread i frequent ( and a good one at that ) hints on just the 'skim of the surface' of what plans are in place for granite ... this is the thread comment ( but i will copy below ) ... ...


Which altcoins have the most nodes?

I saw this article which looks into concerns about the number of bitcoin nodes and got to wondering how many nodes the various altcoins have?

granite has 23 nodes currently on the latest compile of granite ( ) - 16 of which are granite owned - operated - and maintained ... with another 9 on the previous versions ...

so far - the node list has grown quite rapidly these last few months and we hope will continue to do so - due to the major change we will be undertaking in 2016 and the granitenode system we will be implementing ...

once this system is in place - the nodes will carry a certain number of granite coins as a minimum to become a full granitenode ( a masternode with PoS earnings ) and continue to accrue coins via the node ... a simple system to incentivize granitenode adoption - but also a way to help make it easier to make the consensus rules for the network ...

ultimately its about stabilizing the network - but it is also about allowing the creation of an application layer for future apps to 'sit' and function on ...

a lot for the future of granite - but all will be revealed on both bct thread and the granite forum thread - alongside the projects that will be integrated into the granite ecosystem ...

bct thread - ...
granite thread - ...
associated grn project - ...

we hope that the nodes will reach 700 and more by the end of 2016 ...



so the bonus grn that is given - is given as a tanx for the use of ( and subsequently the support of ) the official granite pool - - AND also as a tanx for supporting the network by using your valuable resources as a miner to mine here as well ...

i havent finished building the infrastructure for granite yet - and the ecosystem is growing slowly but surely ... which is the best way to be in my opinion ... grow organically and implement the features that benefit those that are involved with granite ... ie - the miners - the traders - the users ... and that includes me also - as ive been a miner of granite since ( almost ) the very beginning - so i KNOW what miners and traders go through ...

yup - ive written another novel as a response to you mate ... hehehe ...

ill be back on deck after the first week of january ( jan7 ) full time again ... the next few months after that will be some very very hard work ...

Activity: 225
Merit: 17
@ #crysx :

I must have missed something ...

what is the "bonus" on your official pool ?  Tongue

Thank u in advance.
Activity: 225
Merit: 17
Good news #crysx, thk u !  Cool
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
Thank u Chrys !

Happy new year 2016 for u, the community and the GRANITE COIN !!


tanx mik57 ...

lots happening next year ... including expansion into bigger and better premises after march 2016 ...

I hope 2016 will be a great year for granitecoin, i think we need some exposition out of the bitcointalk, go beyond than techno enthusiast, to the mainstream market

thats one of the things we are working ... an idea i had a while ago - which will be worked on heavily in the next couple of months ... this will be the prelude of themarket - and all it has to offer ...

until then - njoi the time you have until work starts heavily again ... ill be back full time in the second week of january 2016 - ie after jan7 2016 ...

will check back intermittently before then ...

see you all soon ...

Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
I hope 2016 will be a great year for granitecoin, i think we need some exposition out of the bitcointalk, go beyond than techno enthusiast, to the mainstream market
Activity: 225
Merit: 17
Thank u Chrys !

Happy new year 2016 for u, the community and the GRANITE COIN !!

Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
hi all ...

wishing you a very happy christmas and a great new year ...

ill be away for a few days - until the new year - and will start work again on granite - its infrastructure - and the entire ecosystem when i get back ...

so many things happening next year ... some already underway - some just starting - some planned ... all will start to take shape ( and some released ) in the coming months ...

i have been helping a few other coins out ( as some of you have already seen ) in certain areas - which has taken some of my time ( for example - mtr - bst - drz ) - but have always been working on granite ... the continuous work on granite will NOT change - this is my baby Smiley ...

our small community of investors and traders - miners and followers - will see things start to take shape in ways that will pave the way to make some of the ideas we have into a reality we can see and feel ...

the end of january will see the solid establishment of the granite team ... people that have helped out and continued with the work for granite - who have now committed more time for the evolution of the ecosystem ... its a small team so far - but names will be published as the core team - and also those that give their time and effort to help with the growth of the granite ecosystem by designing / developing / improving the components they are specialists in ... contractors and team members alike ...

the granite forum is now the home of not only updates - but also releases - and the website will have a full update shortly ... bct will obviously be frequented often - but the majority of the news will be on our forum ... same with giveaways - competitions - community involvement ( some of which are forbidden bitcointalk ) ... we would like to see you there - and involved ...

have an awesome christmas and new year - and will see you on the other side Wink ...

Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---

hehehe ...

have been looking at a dev that will create both adroid and ios wallets ...

but this thing is another dimension altogether - and it uses our name Wink ... woohoo ...

maybe we need to get in touch with them ...

tanx for the headsup ...

Activity: 2716
Merit: 1094
Black Belt Developer
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
Still strongly supporting this coin Smiley Perhaps we should actively try to get it on Cryptopia as well?

Not sure there is enough volume.

have you seen the majority of the coins on there? ...

want to talk about lack of volume Smiley ... hehehe ...

of course - you are correct in that the volume for grn is not there yet ... but im working so much and so hard to get things moving pallas ...

its a matter of time - effort - and commitment to sticking with the plans i have for the granite ecosystem - not just the coin ...

lets hope that all can be done in the next few months into the new year - as i will be non-stop to make sure that this is given every chance to succeed ...

if we remain on bleutrade - so be it ... its been a good platform for us - and they have supported us in everyway ...

i say you've brought it a long way already! you've done alot with little help

i appreciate your kind sentiments fastlan ...

there is still much to be done - even with the all the things that has been finished ... much of the basis of granite have shown their face - and have born fruit ...

but there are many plans the have only just started - and many many more that have yet to be initiated ...

i will be the first to admit - that had it not been for the help from people ( like pallas ) - even if it was just advice - then granite would still be a fair way back along the path of development ...

there is still much to be done as mentioned - and some changes have taken place over the course of the last few months ... from the granite coin - to the granite infrastructure - to the granite development and community ( the granite ecosystem ) - the foundation is becoming set in concrete as we work towards building the entire ecosystem around the infrastructure we are building currently ...

i have recently ( as recent as yesterday ) changed some of the code that granite lives off ... its been more maintenance and cleanup more that coding itself ... but there are changes that differ from the way granite used to function ... this has happened in the way of fixing of some code - cleanup of unneeded parts - and starting the change of naming convention ...

compiled versions will now be compiled with the naming convention 'granite' and not 'GraniteCoin' ... character coding has been changed so that both qt4 and qt5 can be compiled with the same name and without errors like it had only yesterday ...

so - the output will be as follows in a linux system - with windows having an .exe extension ...

- qt4 : granite-qt ...
- qt5 : granite-qt ...
- daemon : granited ...

these changed are only the first step - as the GraniteCoin name is an instric part of the code currently ... this means that the home folder will still be called GraniteCoin and the configuration file still GraniteCoin.conf ... the complete overhaul of the code will take place as changes happen and testing occurs - so there wont be any requirement for a forced upgrade to the wallet or daemons just yet ... the one other change is the versioning for the peers - where it will also read as granite ...

ie - getpeerinfo will show this -

"subver" : "/granite:1.0.2/",

instead of this -

"subver" : "/GraniteCoin:1.0.2/",

here is the test systems showing on the network on chainz -!network ... you will have to actually click on the network tab - as bitcointalk doesnt launch the whole url ...

its all happening slowly as we progress through it all ... name convention is obviously only the very tip and start of the trail down the iceberg ... but it is necessary to make the code simple and stable - to make granite solid and uniform in more than just name ...

thefarm ( nvidia ) and farmamd ( amd ) are also undergoing an huge revamp ... although thefarm will be the entity which exists with granite currently - farmamd has become exclusive to development and testing for the developer that has worked in tandem with me on many things farmwise ... wolf0 ...

this does NOT mean that wolf0 is working exclusively with us - but farmamd is now a separate entity to the ecosystem - and is exclusively for the use of wolf0 ... unless things change and agreements finalize - this situation will remain steadfast ...

thefarm however is forming into a nice modular part of granite ... it will be updated - optimized - enhanced - and integrated into the ecosystems so that the entire ecosystem can benefit from it ... this includes the devs and community also ...

graniteforum is also getting a boost in use ... i shall be updating more on theforum than i will on bitcointalk for all things granite ... with the prospect of moving all updates and discussion items there eventually ... ...

dbm - the donation mining system - will also be getting a revamp and will become an integral part of granite when its time comes ... this is an important part of the ecosystems - as it gives back to the devs of the community when miners donate their mining hash ... so miners - please donate some hash power to the benefit of the devs of your choice ... ...

i will be unavailable for the next few days for any work on the systems - but i will be online when i can with skype and theforum ... irc will be inaccessible to me during that period of time ...

the current code is in git - so please be my guest to clone and compile and test the newer code ... just make sure to backup your wallet and conf file - and always have the previous stable version of the wallet at hand ...

tanx again ...

Activity: 116
Merit: 10
Still strongly supporting this coin Smiley Perhaps we should actively try to get it on Cryptopia as well?

Not sure there is enough volume.

have you seen the majority of the coins on there? ...

want to talk about lack of volume Smiley ... hehehe ...

of course - you are correct in that the volume for grn is not there yet ... but im working so much and so hard to get things moving pallas ...

its a matter of time - effort - and commitment to sticking with the plans i have for the granite ecosystem - not just the coin ...

lets hope that all can be done in the next few months into the new year - as i will be non-stop to make sure that this is given every chance to succeed ...

if we remain on bleutrade - so be it ... its been a good platform for us - and they have supported us in everyway ...

i say you've brought it a long way already! you've done alot with little help
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
Still strongly supporting this coin Smiley Perhaps we should actively try to get it on Cryptopia as well?

Not sure there is enough volume.

have you seen the majority of the coins on there? ...

want to talk about lack of volume Smiley ... hehehe ...

of course - you are correct in that the volume for grn is not there yet ... but im working so much and so hard to get things moving pallas ...

its a matter of time - effort - and commitment to sticking with the plans i have for the granite ecosystem - not just the coin ...

lets hope that all can be done in the next few months into the new year - as i will be non-stop to make sure that this is given every chance to succeed ...

if we remain on bleutrade - so be it ... its been a good platform for us - and they have supported us in everyway ...

Activity: 81
Merit: 1002
It was only the wind.
Hi granite-ites, just voted on the multi algo question and wanted to leave my two cents..

I always thought it would be good to have a coin that could be mined with both types of ASICs as well as FPGA, GPU and CPU. You pretty much have it covered with x11/sCrypt/Sha256d. So whats left is choosing a CPU algo that doesn't have any gpu miners built for it or one that would be difficult for gpu miners to be created. Momentum may be a possibility. Modified primecoin is another one. What would be perfect is to come up with a new algo that relies on CPU instructions to work. Something that uses only say SSE2 or AVX2. Its beyond my understanding so I can't say if this will work or if it is even possible.

It's not possible.
Activity: 2716
Merit: 1094
Black Belt Developer
Still strongly supporting this coin Smiley Perhaps we should actively try to get it on Cryptopia as well?

Not sure there is enough volume.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
Hi granite-ites, just voted on the multi algo question and wanted to leave my two cents..

I always thought it would be good to have a coin that could be mined with both types of ASICs as well as FPGA, GPU and CPU. You pretty much have it covered with x11/sCrypt/Sha256d. So whats left is choosing a CPU algo that doesn't have any gpu miners built for it or one that would be difficult for gpu miners to be created. Momentum may be a possibility. Modified primecoin is another one. What would be perfect is to come up with a new algo that relies on CPU instructions to work. Something that uses only say SSE2 or AVX2. Its beyond my understanding so I can't say if this will work or if it is even possible.

this is a method we have looked at for a while now ...

being a miner - i understand the importance of such a decision and the weight it has on mining in general ...

the consideration is threefold ...

first - there is the idea ( which you have made also ) in creating a 'left field' out of the provision of gpu style algo and run with that ...

second - the idea that we stick with the algo we have ( which is a rock solid algo - especially for gpu ) - or if we are to change to another algo - change to one that is just as popular ... like quark or lyra2v2 or neoscrypt ...

third - dont change at all ( which is more towards where im leaning ) and instead - create a multipool that allows the mining and conversion of algos for granite ... which covers the majors you have mentioned AND allows us to mine in various other algos and still maintain a good stance with with crypto coins in the market as well as ours ...

there are issues with all these points - which we wont go too in depth with ... but for the most part - the first two require a great deal of coding and hardforking the coin / wallet ... this is obviously not a major issue - as many coins fork and do so quite smooth - even our mothercoin bitcoin ...

hardforking may happen anyway as part of the growth of the code - and some of the features we are looking at implementing within the framework of the granite code may require it as part of the progression ... so we are definitely looking at these concepts ...

the third concept means that we will involve a number of other coins into the mix - but on a pool basis ... this in itself is a lot of work - but for the most part - is the 'easier' way to go by means of coding ... its still a feat by any means to run a large exchange multipool ... but it also means that we require the skillset of devs that have had experience in this method ( in fact - experience with multipools period ) and require their on-going assistance ...

the only issue that i see with this is simply that most exchanged multipools mine certain coins and dump the mined coins as immediate sell orders on the exchanges ... that is NOT what we are about - and certainly NOT what i personally think is a good thing for the crypto community as a whole ... ive been mining for too long in this industry to know that ... the plus side is that we can start really getting involved with other coins - which is a great thing to do ... im involved with a few coins now - and will continue to grow the help and friendships that come of such alliances ... especially if they involve generous companies like crypto cloud hosting and the project they have been working on ...

the lean towards a multipool with a single granite payout via exchanged coins is because it is better to have a number of coins being EXCHANGED and TRADED rather than dumped onto exchanges for another coin ...

so the search for a dev ( or team ) that can do such a thing - that allows the conversion of coins on a TRADED basis - is what we would be looking for if we moved in that direction ... the big bonus to that is - that the dev involved would get continuous work AND we can add algos as time progresses ...

in any case - ive been looking at a number of ways - and the addition of cpu / asic / fpga centric algos is a very good suggestion ...

tanx for you input ...

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1005
My mule don't like people laughing
Hi granite-ites, just voted on the multi algo question and wanted to leave my two cents..

I always thought it would be good to have a coin that could be mined with both types of ASICs as well as FPGA, GPU and CPU. You pretty much have it covered with x11/sCrypt/Sha256d. So whats left is choosing a CPU algo that doesn't have any gpu miners built for it or one that would be difficult for gpu miners to be created. Momentum may be a possibility. Modified primecoin is another one. What would be perfect is to come up with a new algo that relies on CPU instructions to work. Something that uses only say SSE2 or AVX2. Its beyond my understanding so I can't say if this will work or if it is even possible.

Activity: 2828
Merit: 1091
--- ChainWorks Industries ---
hi all ...

the ticker has been fixed and is currently working away without any issue ...

the ticker shows the price of grn / btc pair at the last price from bleutrade - where grn is exchanged ...

tanx for the coding skills and effort of an irc veteran - the one known as xisi - this ticker was fixed in a matter of minutes ...

mine well everyone ... there is much more to come ...

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