I'm just wondering how fustrating this could be to anyone involved, imagine after getting this wins and you can't remember the exact place the tickets was bought is that not an unfruitful journey of no return, and I wonder how some persons think this days and go about personal things that really need much attention to. And I probably think from the look of things he's going to loose that money cause since he can't get a recall on where he bought it, then it'll definitely be a plus to the lottery place.
I'm still surprised how he managed to forget where he obtained the lottery ticket, its a shock to me because I remember every location I've made my bet irrespective of the fact that I mostly gamble on my phone. Well its obvious that all bet are registered on the agent's id or yours depending on where you placed the bet and if he couldn't remember the agent who he gambled on his platform, then I guess he has lost his win. This is another reason to prove that, playing gamble on your device is better than attending any physical gambling center to play games that can also be played with your smart phone remotely. Physical casino or other gambling physical gambling services could even attract thieve to locating your resident.