Well I got a reply back on just buying ASICs , they said min order was 100k and no datasheets or info otherwise unless you order so I guess that dream is gone.
For what it's worth I've seen the A4 Dominator presale on Alibaba or Aliexpressb on May 21st and it was $4k+. It said shipping late July early August. Tried to look today and could not find it.
Well it is common to get a used (protected by paypal and credit card) KNC Titan 350mh on Ebay for about 2.5-3k and it is 1250 watts. The A4 is supposedly (?) 400mh and 1150 watts.
I managed to SPLIT one off a Titan on ebay auction in an epic UNICORN HUNT! that worked as advertised full out and NEW ..buy it NOW no less...
http://www.ebay.com/itm/KNC-Titan-Scrypt-Miner-Package-/131792974267?hash=item1eaf7931bb:g:AQIAAOSwKfVXHr2zYeah $1,825.00 usd with my 1/2 of shipping added. IT WAS REALLY NEW (sheesh.....November 2014 unit). Both units were. Both work full out as well.
So figuring halving is coming up for BTC (folk mine LTC to BTC) and the fact SUMMER is coming in force....I'd expect you will see a lot of Titans for sale coming up
before JULY.
ie makes more sense imho to buy them with paypal protection..then a PRE-ORDER with 90 day warranty for 4k ..even if burnt on your Titan paypal protection on ebay
not to mention we have folk that CAN fix them for reasonable prices (see btctalk thread)
Then again a PRICE PUMP in BTC and LTC follows in its 'Yoshi to Mario" like maner...and I may get an A4 for 4k also....it all depends....don't ya know....but that would be quite the pump for me to jump in at that price.
thats the gamble thou.....$4k for an A4 at current prices it would take me at 14c kwh and their 1150 watts at 400mh at $4 buck LTC
using this free calc to all on litecoinpool (modifiable)
www.litecoinpool.org/calcI get the following
30 days 128.30273438 LTC 513.21 USD Total 115.92 USD Electric 397.29 USD Profit after
but I'd take the specs with a grain of salt their A2 Terminator did not (or had to work at it) to get 110 mh..most did less and they also used more watts..It is more realistic to expect
that an A4 would be equiv say 375mh and 1250 watts say....then their specs...*used above*
So at the SAME difficulty and the SAME price per LTC it would take me about 10.0682 months...add a very modest difficulty increase and price increase etc...say 12 months.
Would be kinda a wash even if you got a full working to the wall 350mh Titan today for 2.5k and shipping
Then again never say never
$650 usd at an exchange of 0.008 (currently 0.009) ...but anyway say 0.008 that is $5.20 LTC...with that these numbers look a lot better (depending on how flooded with bulk chip sales..and A4 Dominators are produced...and such thou)
crypto always the drama!