Somthing else you need to take in consideration is that if you consider a fetus to have all those rights way before it's much more than a simple organism, then shouldn't other similarly simple organisms have the same rights even if currently we don't have the technology to advance them to a similar level as an adult human?
I believe there are distinct differences between food sources and human beings. I do not believe food source life is the same as human life. Most plants and animals are food sources. A fetus is not a food source required for survival by any species of life. So the answer to your question would be no.
Even religion makes this distinction if you believe in such things. For instance, the bible says thou shalt not kill, but Jesus fed the people fish and bread. Those are at least 2 forms of life. Fish and the wheat plant. Yeast as well if it was used then. Same goes with the fermentation process that goes with the sacrimental wine representing the blood of Christ.
The food chain. We are on top not because we want to be, but because we think, learn, rationalize, and most importantly, we have the intellect to ask questions and answer them, which leads to the manipulation of the world around us that improves our quality of life.
This is the belief and rationalization that I believe the ruling elites have. They consider non-thinking humans as beasts, and people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people, according to them, are
"beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent".
I suppose it all depends how you justify your actions, but I do not know another way to survive, and in the end its about survival of your species. The preservation of your species. The smartest survive.
All that said, arguements can be made about the unecessary loss of life.
is it ok to kill an insect that is pestering you ?
a rodent ?
a gopher or a groundhog tearing up your yard ?
a bee hive that built a nest in/under the eaves of your home ?