Here is it - (screenshots in english is readable by anyone)
Edited: Here is english topic - tried to exchange 21 010 USD on Monero at (
this is scam shitty "exchange service" don't use it in any way) and was fooled. Exchanger told TS to make KYC procedure because sum was very big.
TS asked them to return money to his wallet while passing KYC (what was in their ToS) but they rejected to do that and also, they rewrited their ToS (lol). And in result they started to ignore him and deleted chat with support on their site (double lol)
But more interesting this part:
7) Ocтaвлял oтзыв нa и - нa oбoиx плoщaдкax oтзывы имeннo были yдaлeны, нe cкpыты. нeдeлю нaзaд зaпpocил oт мeня вcю инфopмaцию co cкpиншoтaми, дoкyмeнтaми пo пoвoдy oбмeнa, я вce выcлaл, нa 1-2 дня oбмeнникy пocтaвили cтaтyc "Heдocтyпeн" в дaнный мoмeнт y oбмeникa cтaтyc "Aктивeн" и мeня никтo нe oпoвeщaл пo кaкoй пpичинe eмy oбpaтнo вepнyли cтaтyc aктивнoгo oбмeнникa. A вooбщe бecпoлeзный pecypc, 3 paзa ocтaвлял oтзыв тaм co вceми дaнными oбмeнa, пpocтo yдaляют и нa пoчтe cвoeгo caппopтa мoлчaт.
Bolded text translate:
I left feedbacks on and - on both my feedbacks were deleted, not hidden. asked me all information one week ago, with all screenshots, documents about my exchange. I have sent them everything. For 1-2 days exchanger (changehero means - translator) was set to "not available" but now it has status "Active" and noone told me reasons why it was happened
(tried my best to translate - translator)
You can check it by yourself - this shitty assholes (they calling themselves changehero) is still available on bestchange - but with Sergey feedback ( for now (January 20, 2020, 10:40:56 PM forum time)
Bestchange didn't delete them, they don't give a fuck (in fact).
I'm here not talking about specific scam but more about ethics of bestchange. This is not first their accusation like that. They are loving to add some shady shitty exchanges and don't love to remove them. In fact, they are acting like Uber or any shitty new trendy service-agregator. They don't bear any responsibility, they just intermediary between customer and merchant. Isn't this pitty?
While YOSHIE locked his topic, i created this one to discuss such situation.
The problem is that you can't blame Bestchange. You weren't scammed by them, you were scammed by exchanger which were provided by them. Bestchange in their opinion is clear. But is it trustworthy? I mean the same thing with Uber: if car driver will steal something from you, Uber will never compensate you anything by himself. He will tell you something like
"Oh, here is it all needed information, now go and find your driver-thief, have a nice day!" Company, like Microsoft, is responsible for their workers of services. Bestchange or Uber - is not.
P.S: yep, maybe someone will remember that i promoted Livecoin with opened scam accusation. I remember that too, but here is a little difference - my opinion was that Livecoin was blackmailed and i had told it publicly. So i put my
"skin in the game". In simple words, I risked with my own reputation and I beared some risk. At the same time, Bestchange don't want to be responsible, but want to have profits. Like any another agregator-service