1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
no, they are very different things, despite being casinos, they are different in many ways. In the case of a physical casino there is a lot of bureaucracy, first the person needs to get in touch with the government and government authority responsible for licensing casinos, then the person will need to buy land to build the casino and it will not be an easy step because the land it will need to be located where the government authorizes the construction of the casino or else the person can also buy houses in the cities and destroy them to build the physical casino, this causes the person to spend a lot of money on buying houses, with the company that will tear down the houses and the company that will build the casino, while in the case of online casinos you only need to buy or code the casino website, pay for the server and coders, the cost is much lower in the case of online casinos
2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
the casino owner only loses the money he spent on the costs of paying the coder to create the casino, server costs, employee salary costs and the losses he had when he paid the winning players with money from his pocket, but if If it were in the case of the physical casino, the losses would be much greater, because they would have to pay taxes, compensate the casino employees, because the employees of the physical casinos have an employment contract. After the casino goes bankrupt, the owner will have the cost of maintaining the physical casino because although it no longer works, the building still remains his and needs care until he can sell it.
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
the number of online casino employees is much lower than the number of online casino employees, owning an online casino is not easy, and it is not for everyone
4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
Without a doubt, managing an online casino is much easier than managing a physical casino. In the physical casino, governments are more attentive and demand that physical casinos respect the laws, which is why there is a lot involved in managing a physical casino, lawyers work a lot in the physical casino, in the physical casino there is a legal department and a financial department, and human resources department and many other departments, in the online casino there is hardly a lawyer as a permanent employee, this is because they operate in many countries and do not even have a fixed headquarters, the license they have is not a license from a country that has strict laws
And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
I would choose to have a physical casino if I had a lot of money and if the feasibility study told me that it could be profitable, a physical casino is a long-term business, something like 10, 20 to 30 years and is closely related to tourism