The block explorer is now live with rich list updated.
You can find both at this address
Market price will be added as soon as AC trading is reenabled with an exchange supporting API requests
Great job unick. You did very well!
Thanks, I didn't notice the trading was reenabled... Just added the market price to the explorer.
are you using wallet 2.0?
yes I am using the latest version
Richlist top 1 no working
"I'm sorry, this address has too many records to display."
Top 1 and 2 are related to the old dev premine?
can you & micryon explain it?
Third rich should be legit?
The balance in my wallet is different from block explorer. Does anyone have the same problem? Got more than 250k AC in my wallet, but not shown on rich list between top 100 to 200.
I have a question.
Let say I have 100k AC in Address A,
if I send 10k to Address B,
the rest 90k stay at Address A
the transaction product Address C
while Address C holds 90k? (This seems much similar to my case.)
As a result, the richlist show the Address C instead of Address A?
Just donated 10K AC to address AXuMxpakwcxcnPtzkL6GNmp54PRc7Zxb2g from AMSaE9CmiW5A2WUfTsHrkqT5GmvYEh1ra3 (Mintpal account). Can't find out this transaction in both address by searching block explorer. The withdrawn status from Mintpal exchange is successful.
are you sure? you can't use the minpal sending address as it can be different, you should check the TX id
I found this from the block explorer
is this transaction matching yours ?
excellent, I'm glad that I could help you sort this out