100 x 28nm wafers is around 5PH - think about that for a second...
The fab can pump out 100 wafers every 4 weeks easily.... 1GH sells for around $5 with immediate delivery (in chip form)
Do the maths... I'm thinking ActM could shortly be pulling in $2.5 per share per month...
You think raw chips are going to be selling for $5/GH/s in a couple months? Keep in mind you can buy a finished Antminer shipped for $3.6/GH/s right now and you'll have it on your doorstep in 2 days.
Depends on the bitcoin price no?
This is how we keep getting dragged back into this hole of shareholder depression and trolling carnivals. You are now making estimates without proof; at this point it's not even an educated guess. You start saying stuff like this, then the person below you quotes and replies with his thoughts about it, and so on. Then we get 5 pages later and everyone is like:
"Ken didn't you promise us # of PH (Random asa Number some share holder made up) by XX/XX/XX (Random ass date some random shareholder made up); well what the fuck happened?"
Lets not speculate and end up having more people get tied up in this company
UNTIL we have proof that it is on the right track.
Now when Ken has proved he can get a chip made. Then we can talk about estimates of how hash rate the chip will make and any other chips that might come thereafter.
When Ken has paid off all refunds. Then we can talk about preorders and how many extra chips we can get through preorders.
And until we have proof that the company is in the black and will stay in the black for the foreseeable future, let us not try to convince other people to buy more shares.
It is unethical.