Your analysis is interesting. Because the BF market is so thin, it would not take much for the price to go back up.
Ken IS bad at PR and communication, but the eASIC deal is real and the chip will be produced.
Some folk seem to enjoy taunting and causing chaos. They have no investment in ActM, but just like to throws garbage from the sidelines. ON the other hand, this is the Internet and a Forum. I remember how when VMC first was announced, Ken got attacked all the time, and his retidence, that is, his refusal to respond to the various idiots was an effective approach.
On $5700 could move the price back up. AND it is absolutely accurate that several people have sold ActM shares to get into NeoBEE. I know I have.
The current low price screams opportunity for the future and not disaster.
Once the NeoBEE hysteria is over, I will be returning my profits from that into ActM.
I think for anyone to dump now is absolutely crazy. Seriously, think about it. As of this moment, it would take ~46 Bitcoins to bring the price back up to IPO. That is about $5,700 USD. I mean... I can understand maybe not wanting to buy right now, but to sell at these prices... Really?
People like icebreaker and pankkake are giving you a dose of reality. Why you guys have developed such an endearing emotional connection to a
company is beyond me.
1. Money from recent IPO's never magically seeps back in to the activemining orderbook. The little bit that does never has the dramatic effect you guys predict.
2. Anyone with a clue would be running for the hills with the way this venture has been handled. Marketing is garbage and the crap sales volume proves it. On one hand you've got cointerra et al chalking up $15 mil in sales while activemining has like $1 mil? The opportunity to drum up interest, support, preorders etc was totally squandered - difference in sales volume is the result.
Good idea, shit execution.
pankkake consistently makes good points whether it concerns labcoin, activemining etc and just gets berated for it.
pankkake is an observer who shits on all mining companies not just activemining and is against the idea of "big mining". His opinion can be valuable in a sea of "lol everyone just selling cos they don't know how awesome activemining is"
Crumbs is annoying with his constant pony crap and quoting the share price but his sentiment is basically the same thing - generally sour investment opportunity.
Before you go on about "long term investing", you could make more money selling out when its obviously its going to plummet (was shocked people were dumb enough to buy into eAsic announcement), then if you thought this venture still had a chance you could buy at the bottom near IPO or IPO price.
The one case you couldn't do this is if you are sitting on so many shares that its unfeasible to demolish the order book because you're going to bust into below IPO territory.
Then again, VE didn't give a fuk - he murdered the bids - goes to show how bad it has gotten.