(1) A very, very large one off dividend payment whch includes the profits from all those pre-orders since the harware started selling, up to the delivery of initial units, as well as normal weekly divs.
(2) Normal weekly dividend payments which don't include those pre-orders sales that occured between the start of hardware sales and the paying of divs on harware sales, because those profits will be re-invested into the company.
(3) A few larger than normal weekly divs which will see the profits from pre-orders sales that occured between the start of hardware sales and the paying of divs on hardware, spread evenly until normal divs resume.
(4) Non of the above.
We will be operating like a normal company, except we will have weekly dividends not quarterly dividends. We will do the accounting for the previous month using normal accounting methods, if the accounting shows a profit, then we will declare a dividend allowing for some of the profit to be retained for growth per the description, this dividend then will be split over the number of weeks in the month that the dividend will be paid in. AMC is paying the dividends, AMC is doing the mining, VMC is doing the manufacturing and of course is not making a profit at this point.