The point is a board is needed now ken, not in a few months. That's far too late.
You've worked your socks off and there is so much more to do. The board would be there to help ensure things like today's post ipo stuff didn't happen, could take communication off your hands, and can act on behalf of shareholders to ensure the project is going as planned. A good board will make your job much simpler and the company more efficient. It will also increase trust, as long as the board is suitably picked.
Right now you shouldn't be faffing with shares and you shouldn't be on this forum dealing with pain in the arse shareholders like me. Someone else should be taking that stress and keeping us happy.
I also feel that someone else could have addressed all the questions very quickly and easily as, and I mean no offence, communication is not your strong point. Even when you answer a question, it's often not a full answer.