So that leaves us with an outstanding $411,365 or BTC4113.65 (@$100:BTC1 - which is ambitious at the time of this writing). At current share price, .0025, we would require 1,645,460 shares to be sold to provide for the NRE.
Also, I'm curious about the orders. Can you release any further information? Are these from a couple groups or many individuals? Can pre-orders be reversed? If so how would you handle the lost NRE fund money?
All-in-all, pretty exciting news! Looking forward to the physical product hitting the market. That's where the real break out will occur.
No, you are not accounting for all the shares currently sold already for this.
1) From the ~24th June to ~28th June:
.0025 Shares sold on Bifunder: 432,649
.0025 Shares sold on BTC-TC: 511,678
Total: 944,327
944323/4000000 = 0.23608075 = ~23.6 % funded
Which should account for
2) shares are currently at 1,133,207, so that's more 621,529 shares sold (should even be more since some were tendered to BF) for
3) Ken's balance at the end of June was
BTC2451.84 (not accounting for point #1, just the leftover funds from the initial IPO of 5M shares)
Current Bitcoin Total:
~BTC6366.47 (less any expenses this month ofc)
Now just add the
$588,635 for instant ice cream!