Should Ken spend money to hire a professional design firm to build the website then?
Yes, a very big YES!!
The website will be the face of the company - selling asic's to customers. It MUST be professional.
We're talking about spending $1Million on NRE, but won't spend a few $1000's on a proper website??
I put almost no stock in the design and layout of a website. Anyone can make one look good, but I can see why certain people do feel this way.
I would tend to disagree though, the website is not and will not be the face of the company. The customers and the delivery of a product, the miners, will be the face. A website is a marketing tool, pure and simple.
What? pretty soon there will be complaints about the design of the box the miner is going in... Packaging means fuckall. Packaging and design are a marketing gimmick that has been forced down our throats by corps and ad agencies.
I'm a designer and I could give a shit what a companies website looks like unless they are a ad agency/design firm/etc.
A fancy website means one of three things:
1. The VC's took control of the reins and bitched about needing a fancy website.
2. A lame template was purchased from any multitude of cheap template design sites.
3. Way too much time was spent making a fancy website (
cryoniks) so that a scam could be pulled off.
We're not selling juicers to average joe customers. These are highly specialized machines that take an expert to run properly. The people who want to buy these devices could really give a shit how fancy the design of the site is as long as the product delivers what it claims.
The more austere the more better.