Good. Now that would have been over a LOT quicker if it wasn't for all the girls on here listening to the Trolls. Like A WEEK ago.
yeah it's all the "girls" that caused the shares to not sell...
Why are you so confrontational all the time? Dry your eyes for Christ's sake, no one cares, lol.
I've yet to read a post of yours that discusses ActM, instead all you seem to do is jump into other discussions and try to fight other people's battles when in fact all you end up doing is inflaming the situation.
I'm confrontational? so what exactly does accusing DTS of crashing the price and preventing share trading qualify as? you again have proven you are a fucking moron. your sole purpose on this forum is to redirect focus off Ken and onto other people.
and about this I dont discuss ActM bullshit... gee whiz dude... very short memory. All of Ken's Wed update last week was in response to the 8 questions I asked him. I'm one of probably 5 or so people on this thread that dont succumb to yours and others' dumbass postings and dont get sucked into the trolling of the other types of posters. please put me on ignore if you dont like or cant remember my contributions. your "contributions" consist of bullshit projections and fairytale dreams. i've said it many times and i'll say it again - just because you need/want/hope/expect/etc ActM to succeed and make you rich doesnt mean that it will happen. and just because Ken (or any CEO of any company) says something is going to happen doesnt mean it will happen. I would take any projections and announcements Ken gives with a grain of salt, especially when you consider his track record.
I am discussing this with Ken in private. I've posted his last response to me in this thread, but I think it got lost. Here it is again:
It seems that you are avoiding your shareholder's concern regarding not having access to their shares for a number of months now. I'd like to reiterate that this is not acceptable behavior, but that isn't why I'm writing you this afternoon.
A number of us have noticed that the "outstanding" share value on Crypto-Trader has been incrementing as the Ukyo share wall has been eaten up. Why is this happening?
It would seem to me, that CT does not count AMC own shares as outstanding, so as they are sold the number of outstanding starts goes up.
I have followed up with this:
It would seem to me, that CT does not count AMC own shares as outstanding, so as they are sold the number of outstanding starts goes up.
The problem here is that as shares are sold to investors they are also added to the outstanding share value, which dilutes the share value as it effectively creates an extra share for each sold. Currently CT states that ActM has nearly 400,000 outstanding shares (392128 / 25000000 Outstanding). This is a significant increase in outstanding shares. How many shares are actually outstanding?