Lol crumbs, you just posted information which the the best news we have heard in ages. This was going to be sat on because it is obvious that you trolls would just have something else to attack, so why feed you?
So go ahead folks, now the cat is out the bag, read it in context. This is very bullish news indeed!
This might be the best news you have heard in ages, but have you wondered about the mock secrecy? Just as everybody thinks everyone on irc is crumbs, this beauty is released into the chan? Do you really think babymonkey is that stupid?
*I'll help: No, babymonkey is NOT that stupid. So
Get a life for gods sake! You make me laugh so much it's not funny. If you aren't getting paid a lot of money to sit and monitor all the ActM threads and IRC chats and are doing this for any other reason then all hope is lost for you my friend. Where traders have multi-monitor set ups to display graphs and all that shit, I bet you have the same set up but each screen has something ActM on it.
Go and get some fresh air and take the cats out for a walk or something, it will do you good. I promise.
You can't possibly be as stupid as you pretend to be. Answer me why you think babymonkey put out that rubbish on irc, and i'll tell you if you're close.
With your mad investing skillz, I would suggest you keep your mind on losing your coin instead of guessing how I make mine.
I have ways of making money that you know nothing of.
And here is the problem folks. crumbs, as a master manipulator, is guilty of using quotes taken completely out of context and putting them together to paint a picture which he has pre-conceived in his twisted mind.
What ACTUALLY happened on IRC is that the gentleman who was privy to this information attempted to have a private chat with myself however as an IRC newbie I inadvertently made mention of this and the next thing we know, an alarm goes off, all the cats start screaming and crumbs spils another cold coffee all over himself. The cats are out of the bag and regardless of how the trolls want to twist things, good news will always be good news.
Face it guys, this sad and dark episode in ActM history is coming to an end and I'm sure we'll all joke about it one day. The trolls have had their fun and by this Wednesday we'll be back to discussing share price again.