I hate to point out the obvious here, but it no longer makes sense for Ken to sell machines when Bitcoin is almost $600. He would make far more profit mining with them himself. Not like we would see any of the mined profits anyway, he will find a way to keep them for himself.
Well, since there is a publicly documented statement regarding dividends, if he does that there will be repercussions.
Though I don't think that will be the case.
There will be no repercussions because:
1. This is bitcoin, thus far there were no repercussions for any of the scammers, including Pirate.
2. The "publicly documented statements" can't possibly be mistaken for IRL legally binding agreement. With consecutive closures of the two exchanges your "shares" have been traded on, you have absolutely no recourse, short of tugging on the sleeve of a beat cop & explaining, choking on tears:
"I gave
this guy my revolutionary new money, and he PROMISED me i'll be rich! That we'll all be rich! Just read the
forum, i swear! It's a Belize company, but that's just so's we wouldn't have to pay taxes & keep you government thugs at bay, so it's an American company nao. Please haelp!"