Can someone verify the below steps are correct.
1. ) Transfer all of your shares to AMC-TENDER on Bitfunder.
2.) Make the transfer before December 1st.
3.) Set your public Bitfunder bitcoin address to an address that can be signed.
Is that it or is there something that I'm missing?
Please be advised that ActiveMining is implementing the following rules and procedures for Investors wanting to keep their shares:
Investors who fail for any reason to provide the information necessary to obtain "Verified" status on Bitfunder are encouraged to transfer their shares on BitFunder to the Bitfunder user AMC-TENDER no later than November 6, 2013 before dividends are paid. All Investors transferring their shares to this account will continue to accumulate dividends on their shares.
The October 30th dividends will be suspended and accumulated for payment on November 6, 2013.