The long term shareholders don't care about the short term share price. This has been stated over and over. They are in it for the divs and long term share value.
Best of luck to you with your own investments, I genuinely hope you make lot's of coin from them.
Critical posts are welcome but do try to be as constructive as you can so that we can all benefit from you contributions.
Not sure i understand how this long-term investing stuff works. See if i got it right:
Naive long-term investors such as myself misconstrue plummeting share prices as "a bad thing." Operating under mistaken assumption that buying shares at a lower price is somehow better than buying the same shares at a higher price, they fail to lose money (which, as you know, is the real goal of long-term investors).
Given a chance to enter a position, shrewd investors wait for the price to rise to its apex, buy, and watch with satisfaction as the price tanks. By skilfully timing the process to exit at the lowest & enter at the highest price points, a savvy investor manages to lose substantially more coin than the bitdust received in dividends -- a goal each ActM investor aspires to.
That about right?
Not interested in playing that game. Just like the top 15 whales, I'm simply watching and waiting and have plenty of patience. I'll be here longer than you crumble and WILL have the last laugh. Anyway, it's nice to see you drop the childish patter. Seems like Ken constantly deleting your posts finally forced you to abide by the rules.