That news is a pinned item from December.
Although these hypster promotions are usually nonsense, there is one scenario that crossed my mind - albeit hypothetical and a bit of fun.
[1] - as I posted previously the only way this guy could have any inside info about anything and there be no other leaks is if he was contracted by some third party
[2] - circumstances suggest that him and the Winklevosses have a common interest (or enemy at least) in the form of Mark Zuckerberg. Winkees because of historical wrangles over Facebook IP and Guerbez because of his $837 million debt handed to him by Facebook lawyers. They may have struck up a trust relationship in the last few years.
[3] - the ETF launch price filed was $20.09 per share and one share corresponds to 0.2 BTC, so that values bitcoin at about $100 (The ETF filing was done so long ago that at that time the price seemed realistic)
[4] - there is therefore some reconciliation to be done. What are the implications of launching an ETF backed by an asset valued at 2-3 times the ETF marketcap ?
a) - the Winkies would have been effectively selling their BTC at a 65% discount (if we use the price just before the recent crash)
b) - if the ETF gets over-subscribed, it has to purchase more bitcoin to balance up the shares. There are only 1 million shares backed by 200,000 BTC, so if they all get bought quickly and there isn't enough time for the ETF share price to catch up with the Bitcoin market price then the Winkies would have to go and purchase new bitcoin at a massive premium over the ETF share price to balance up the fund
[5] - SOLUTION: Crash the market just prior to launch using only a small part of the ETF holdings. That helps in 2 ways:
a) it starts to get the Bitcoin open market price into a range where the ETF can more easily couple with it (or more cheaply from the point of view of the fund)
b) the fund can hoover up a load more coins on the way down to pre-empt an oversubscription, plus they can recoup their costs of crashing the market at the same time
[6] - then the question arises of why they'd contract this Guerbuez guy to whip up bullish sentiment in advance of any announcement. That could be to mitigate any scorched earth syndrome from the crash and also to help prepare the ground for a subsequent market rally after the announcement
Anyway, that's just the product of my over-active imagination as applied to this little piece of mysticism. If it's nonsense, at least I had some fun making it up. The Winkies could just adjust the share price prior to launch and that would blow my theory out of the water (on the other hand, maybe there's some problem with doing that, in which case...
More info..see this discussion from back in July: index on which ETF share price will be based: