This address 1BxD2VLE95n7ZeVJSy3uoiJ5WdR72jWj5fhas been mining blocks since April 2013 to the tune of 40/month on average until the end of July. Rough estimate is about 100 Avalon units (68,000 GH/s) would be needed to accomplish this. Which is about 24,000 chips. How many of these addresses are there? Unknown.
However this address moved 3000BTC to this address 16ygEoTjg7P5GJwLKTQd1UgqAGuF8bKVRc which saw 43,500BTC move through it.
and yesterday 2000BTC was moved to 158mVoizfU3xPxGGchGtnsKSixGs9XTo6v. Bookmark this address, you'll see why in just a second.
This address 1FGAftzSTztFSB8LMwsrdCKTyqGY6zr3sU has been widely believed to be the Avalon chip order payment address.
Zefir's 1st payment to YiFu is here:
This chip payment address 14odFwJHi6S1Rpuu9CnqZHy49qjc6F2Zd9 has the bitcoins withdrawn to 1FGAftzSTztFSB8LMwsrdCKTyqGY6zr3sU, confirming that this IS indeed Avalon's address. YiFu never said it wasn't his/Avalon's address only, "who says we control that address in the first place?" (
Jump to yesterday August 15th, 2013. 10,000BTC are moved to 16ygEoTjg7P5GJwLKTQd1UgqAGuF8bKVRc, gee that 43,500 looks familiar.
Of which 2000BTC are sent to the address I told you to bookmark earlier 158mVoizfU3xPxGGchGtnsKSixGs9XTo6v.
So how many 100 Avalon unit farms are there? At 24,000 chips per farm, it is easy to see where many chips have gone. Why send chips when it is easier to make BTC with them? Then, EVENTUALLY/Two weeksTM when the difficultly makes the chips rather meh, and you can stall no longer, you send them out. That is where we are. Played like a harp.
Yes, because it makes complete sense to assemble chips into units, mine for them for a month then remove and ship them.