This seems to be the problem. Maybe some sellers will show up but so far every effort I've made both privately and publicly to try to create larger block liquidity has failed for lack of sellers.
I think sellers are expecting an unreasonable price for their AEON. Which is fine, if they believe in it long term then perhaps they should hold onto it, but it's frustrating when people offer large blocks and don't accept above market price offers for it.
I think currently (and I probably shouldn't even say this yet because I don't own any AEON) we should expect that at a minimum Polo will eventually pick up AEON and the price will jump up, even if Smooth only makes minor improvements from here on out. It's probably a pretty good place to park some small-time speculator assets. On the other hand, the network doesn't need people parking money into it - it needs people playing with it and transacting with it.
Develop a way to spend aeon and you'll see use. Has anyone talked to Risto about adding it to CK? Is there a gambling site in the works? A mobile wallet? A business that accepts it? Can't really blame people for squatting on land when there isn't a way yet to till or build-on it.