
Topic: Age of Rust: An RPG Adventure Game, unlock up to 20BTC in final version - page 2. (Read 12875 times)

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057

August BetaSome updates to the game will be coming again soon. We released SP: Age of Rust as an alpha test in April 2017 with about 20 puzzles and 2 bitcoin prizes in the game.  The game ran using bitcoin testnet coins for some basic game elements including purchasing hints to solve puzzles and buying weapons. The prologue of the game runs about 80 hours to solve the majority of the puzzles. That being said, many of the players  

Prologue changed to an Introduction
The prologue in beta has gone through a major overhaul. There will be a visual tutorial to play through the first puzzle with a voice narration and introduction. The introduction prologue is far shorter, the complicated puzzles have been replaced by a much easier this-than-that approach to scale up players that have never played an adventure game before. This will address the "how do I play?" aspects of starting the game.

This was a big request from players, moving in the game can be done in the traditional "dungeon crawler" sense with keys for directions (n,s,e,w,u,d) for moving in the game.

Updated commands
General game commands will no longer require the "/" in the beta release, so to look around, "/look" will become "look". Many players would leave out the "/" causing some confusion and difficulty. System commands for the interacting with other players, will retain the "/", such as "/seen"

The in-game traditional currency will continue to be free, this is something that the players wanted to see. Right now, the game currency is bitcoin/testnet and this will shift in beta to simply 'credits' and will be free to acquire in the game (ie kill a bad guy, get credits). The free currency will be used for things that player need, like a weapon, armor, buying health kits, etc. There will also be a premium currency in the game as well, this will be for things that players want to enhance the game experience. Rustbits will also be used to purchase game cards that are used in the game as well as other things like hints to some puzzles.

Game cards
Rustchain cards are bitcoin blockchain tokens (via counterparty) that players use in the game. Players don't have to transfer your cards to the game, they just verify their wallet and the game can tell which cards and how many cards players have. These cards give players the ability to enhance their character (add bonuses like additional health, armor, damage, etc) and also grant access to special areas in the game. For example, if players have the "Keplar Canyon" card in their counterparty wallet, it will allow players visit Keplar Canyon in the game. Quantity of cards will also unlock and give game modifiers too; as an example, if a player has qty 10 of the "MD100 Pulse Rifle" card, an additional 10 damage would be applied.

Rewards and Prizes
In the alpha version, when a puzzle with a bitcoin reward was claimed, that was it. In the beta version, if someone solves a puzzle with a crypto reward, the reward will refill over time and the puzzle solution will change. The rewards will be very much like how free parking is sometimes used in monopoly, where game funds pool up waiting for a winner. As players purchase hints and game packs, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will fill up waiting for players to solve the puzzle and claim the prize. When players purchase game cards, a percentage of that purchase will go back into the game towards rewards and other prizes in the game.

Sounds and narration
Environment sounds and narration will be in the beta release. If players are in a desert environment, they will hear the wind when inspecting the area. When NPC's are interacting with players, the voice will narrate over the text. Sound helps sets the mood for the setting players are in and enhances the game.

Character stats
Character stats will show up in profile information replacing the tab "social media". This will display the important information about your character (health, armor, etc). The beta version will also introduce the leveling capabilities and upgrade options for characters.

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
Holy Crap! Where was I when all this happened ! ? Dude,never know there is an ICO page with 10+ pages of discussion and people showing interest! Wow,must admit you did turn the project into something.I'm going after the bounties now. Tongue
Stoked to see how the ICO turns out!

Yeah, lots of activity on the game too, Flux solved both the reward puzzles and earned 0.2 BTC playing the game.  Shocked

We now got a token sale progressing soon and then adding blockchain asset cards (like spells of genesis) that will function within the game adding additional game play features.

Activity: 1750
Merit: 1115
Providing AI/ChatGpt Services - PM!
Holy Crap! Where was I when all this happened ! ? Dude,never know there is an ICO page with 10+ pages of discussion and people showing interest! Wow,must admit you did turn the project into something.I'm going after the bounties now. Tongue
Stoked to see how the ICO turns out!
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057

Some of our players have contributed sci-fi stories of their own that we are building into the game. If you'd like to get more information on how to write a quest for the game, send me a PM.  Wink

Mysterious statues on the desert planet Kanbar in Age of Rust, a visual novel
RPG adventure game.

Rustbits provide the power behind the game enabling card based game play to
unlock abilities, secret areas, and crypto rewards for players.

Token Sale Website:
Youtube Game Trailer:
Game Website:
Bounties Thread:
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057

Runners are nicknamed after a mysterious type mech often seen fleeing from
ships and bases that have been attacked or damaged. In order to avoid capture
they will run and often escape by any means. Several have been known to open
airlocks and jettison themselves or jump into a reactor stream to meltdown. They
are often seen carrying out sabotage attacks by any way possible including
tampering with safety controls for weapons, reactors, and environmental systems.
Just as mysterious, when caught before self-destructing, they have no means
of communication or capability to transmit any messages. No one knows who or
what has programmed Runners or how to stop them.

Card 005 Runners, will be available on the blockchain a limited supply of
cards in August.  RustChain cards can be collected, traded, and used in Age of Rust
to unlock player abilities, access secret game areas, and help locate bitcoin treasures
hidden in the game.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057

Project is still in development, next release will be a beta release that will integrate with counterparty wallets.

Game art for SP: Age of Rust.

Rustbits - Digital assets that power Age of Rust and premium game currency in Age of Rust.
Rustbits can be traded, purchased, and sold on DEX and anyone with a counterparty wallet.
Rustbits go on sale June 26th.

Rustchain Cards - Blockchain assets that can be collected, traded, and used in Age of Rust
granting access to special game functionality and game areas. Rustchain cards go on sale
on August 1st.  

Youtube Game Trailer:
Token Sale Website:
Game Website:
Bounties Thread:
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
Development continues, more artwork.

☠ More cards coming soon
☠ More missions...
☠ More puzzles to solve with others
☠ RUSTBITS integration will be in the beta release
☠ More in-game cryptocurrency rewards and bounties

Notification Signup:

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
sr. member
Activity: 1456
Merit: 261
very interesrting for project, spacePirate
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
What game engine used for development this game ?
I hope the machine is created I want to try.
 Grin Grin

The game engine is custom for right now. There was no engine that I could modify enough to weld in crypto currency easily.

A beta release will be available later in the summer. For now the alpha version is running Smiley
Activity: 197
Merit: 0
What game engine used for development this game ?
I hope the machine is created I want to try.
 Grin Grin
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
Sounds like fun and I'm glad you doing it we need more games and indications like this. Why not instead of using Bitcoin have your own coin ? Spacepirate coin. You could give coins to players who reward early participate in beta as well as a special reward and title. It's a nice way to give incentive. Also good to get more interest too.

Check out our RUSTBITS token sale, that's what they will be used for. There are also digital token cards that can be collected, traded, and used in the game to enhance your character or unlock areas only for card holders, etc.

The original concept had bitcoin as the in game currency, but there's several problems to that. I did a long study on how gamers use crypto and under what circumstances they will spend it, gamble it, or trade it. The short story here is that bitcoin did not make a good "premium" currency. Players want a non-crypto currency to buy weapons, armor, and those kinds of things but rewarded with a premium currency that has value but something that's not work hodling over a long term. You'll notice several games are doing that now... a good example is Spells of Genesis, they have "coins" in the game, but it's not crypto. If you want to enhance something, you can use crypto or buy an in-game modifier to add more playable options. 
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1023
Sounds like fun and I'm glad you doing it we need more games and indications like this. Why not instead of using Bitcoin have your own coin ? Spacepirate coin. You could give coins to players who reward early participate in beta as well as a special reward and title. It's a nice way to give incentive. Also good to get more interest too.

It does look like they are using a new coin called RUSTBITS in the game and doing an upcoming ICO soon. Not sure if the rustcoins are in addition to bitcoin or a separate aspect though. This game does look pretty interesting and I plan to check it out more soon.
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 535
Sounds like fun and I'm glad you doing it we need more games and indications like this. Why not instead of using Bitcoin have your own coin ? Spacepirate coin. You could give coins to players who reward early participate in beta as well as a special reward and title. It's a nice way to give incentive. Also good to get more interest too.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057

More game and content for the upcoming Beta.... The beta will also have RUSTBITS and RUSTCHAIN game token cards integrated into the gameplay.  Wink

Sector 72 on Antara VI; the last known location of the mining colony before the Age of Rust began.
Now, a ghost colony, where the wind echoes off the walls of the maze like corridors that twists through
the desert landscape. Power lingers in abandoned corridors, drawn from nuclear power cells down to their
last remaining charge before going dark for eternity. There's no sign of human life anywhere, only the rusting
remains of mechs slowly being taken over by the elements. You think you hear voices, but it is only the wind, yet
it continues to make you uneasy as you scavenge the wreckage before you. You hear the click a pulse rifle clip
and then all goes dark.

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
so 22nd may the game will be launch officially? or just a test?

Hey Chinesegandalf, good to see you again!

Here are some dates and links:
April 1st - Launch of the alpha test of the game:
May 8th - Bounty campaign to earn RUSTBITS:
May 22nd - Start of the ICO for RUSTBITS:
June 22nd - End of the ICO for RUSTBITS, unsold rustbits will be burned.
July 1st - Start of the sale for RUSTCHAIN cards (exchangeable for RUSTBITS)
July 7th - End of the Bounty Campaign
September 30th - Unsold RUSTCHAIN cards will be burned
August 2017 - Beta version released
Fall 2017 - First official release of Chapter 1 Age of Rust

2019/2020 Chapter 2 will be a multiplayer 3D game with an interface similar to GuildWars


What gameplay looks like now:

sr. member
Activity: 274
Merit: 250
so 22nd may the game will be launch officially? or just a test?
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
Future updates and token information will be in the official announcement thread:

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
For of those you following our project progress, we've launched our kickstarter campaign. Wish us luck  Cool

SpacePirate: Age of Rust
A dark noir text/graphic adventure game in a sci-fi dystopian universe.
A turn-based role playing game (think Dungeons&Dragons™ in space)
You can play alone or with other players.
In-game use of Bitcoin, a popular cryptocurrency.
Not a pay-to-win based game.
A treasure hunt with puzzles, clues, and mysteries with no purchase or pledge required in order to play.
Has blockchain-enabled cards to collect, trade, and use.
Campaign Link:

If you still want to be part of the project, let me know Cheesy

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