August BetaSome updates to the game will be coming again soon. We released SP: Age of Rust as an alpha test in April 2017 with about 20 puzzles and 2 bitcoin prizes in the game. The game ran using bitcoin testnet coins for some basic game elements including purchasing hints to solve puzzles and buying weapons. The prologue of the game runs about 80 hours to solve the majority of the puzzles. That being said, many of the players
Prologue changed to an Introduction
The prologue in beta has gone through a major overhaul. There will be a visual tutorial to play through the first puzzle with a voice narration and introduction. The introduction prologue is far shorter, the complicated puzzles have been replaced by a much easier this-than-that approach to scale up players that have never played an adventure game before. This will address the "how do I play?" aspects of starting the game.
This was a big request from players, moving in the game can be done in the traditional "dungeon crawler" sense with keys for directions (n,s,e,w,u,d) for moving in the game.
Updated commands
General game commands will no longer require the "/" in the beta release, so to look around, "/look" will become "look". Many players would leave out the "/" causing some confusion and difficulty. System commands for the interacting with other players, will retain the "/", such as "/seen"
The in-game traditional currency will continue to be free, this is something that the players wanted to see. Right now, the game currency is bitcoin/testnet and this will shift in beta to simply 'credits' and will be free to acquire in the game (ie kill a bad guy, get credits). The free currency will be used for things that player need, like a weapon, armor, buying health kits, etc. There will also be a premium currency in the game as well, this will be for things that players want to enhance the game experience. Rustbits will also be used to purchase game cards that are used in the game as well as other things like hints to some puzzles.
Game cards
Rustchain cards are bitcoin blockchain tokens (via counterparty) that players use in the game. Players don't have to transfer your cards to the game, they just verify their wallet and the game can tell which cards and how many cards players have. These cards give players the ability to enhance their character (add bonuses like additional health, armor, damage, etc) and also grant access to special areas in the game. For example, if players have the "Keplar Canyon" card in their counterparty wallet, it will allow players visit Keplar Canyon in the game. Quantity of cards will also unlock and give game modifiers too; as an example, if a player has qty 10 of the "MD100 Pulse Rifle" card, an additional 10 damage would be applied.
Rewards and Prizes
In the alpha version, when a puzzle with a bitcoin reward was claimed, that was it. In the beta version, if someone solves a puzzle with a crypto reward, the reward will refill over time and the puzzle solution will change. The rewards will be very much like how free parking is sometimes used in monopoly, where game funds pool up waiting for a winner. As players purchase hints and game packs, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will fill up waiting for players to solve the puzzle and claim the prize. When players purchase game cards, a percentage of that purchase will go back into the game towards rewards and other prizes in the game.
Sounds and narration
Environment sounds and narration will be in the beta release. If players are in a desert environment, they will hear the wind when inspecting the area. When NPC's are interacting with players, the voice will narrate over the text. Sound helps sets the mood for the setting players are in and enhances the game.
Character stats
Character stats will show up in profile information replacing the tab "social media". This will display the important information about your character (health, armor, etc). The beta version will also introduce the leveling capabilities and upgrade options for characters.