Apart from this tomato farming, I still run a poultry and a piggery farm as part of my agro business. Agriculture is lucrative and comes with alot of opportunities for both youths and adults. Invest in one or more Agro business today and save the world from hunger as well as to rescue your country from recession.
The government is trying with rural areas but in my country, it's just as if they don't receive it because of the increase in corruption, nepotism and cheating, distribution doesn't go much to people that really need this resources to even farm and this is why the country suffers from hunger and increase in price of goods because of high demand and low supply.
Do we need to government to farm?
I think people are being lazy because farm is a general thing that could be done by anyone out there but the strength and man power to start cultivation is something very tiring, or looks it as a dirty job since everyone needs a whitescholar job and seeing farming as an irresponsible people job. Let say a country that are 30 to 40 percent into agriculture and cultivation will never lack of hunger in their lands why because most of the produces or products are from within their country and this may reduce inflation and also reduces importation prices since all their farm products are being harvested in their land.
In other hands, if every single family gets involves in subsistence farming, there must not be a total hunger raving the land, but now people failed to understand the facts that what we eat and consumed today are all products from farming, what they think and thought aren't meant for them to get engaged. Take for example of Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Sierra Leone from my research are also depending on their farm products which made life very easier for them. Although there may be other countries that fully depends on their farm products, this few mentioned are just the little I had their ideas.