But again there are chess engines who can beat even top-class grandmasters but still in the real world you have to play against only live human being.
So, yes in the world of online poker it is very hard to determine if you are playing against AI or real player but I don't think in live poker matches it will be a big deal.
I looked through the whole thread and everyone seems to be whining about AI defeating mankind in the next field of human activity, poker this time. But what about one AI playing against another? As I got it from the thread, poker is different from chess because the latter is called a perfect-information game while the former not so perfect. My idea is that it should be a lot more fun to watch one machine playing against another, especially if all tricks, deceits and bluff that human beings are so proud of are implemented and allowed!
So could one machine actually deceive another?
At present computers lack originality and random variation. Famously computers cannot be trusted to be used in lottery schemes because its too easy to engineer or scheme the results they produce, many multi million dollar schemes result to natural variation in results. Ultimately computers only do what they are told, AI is very much behind in what it should be doing so Im not convinced they would do well in poker especially.
Computers could alter their choices but it would always end up predictable and not a safe way to earn an advantage. A good program could beat a poor player at least as a standing advantage as the person will learn, so its possible 1 program could be superior over another in some way I guess.