tell me please, how long should I waiting for, one hour, 24 hours, etc.?
m.b. I'm waiting in vain and need to refill the form?
thank you
P.S. I ask to forgive my interest, but this is my first time. Maybe there is a specific date?
Did you claimed your XBTE airdrop with BTC or as a non-holder user?
If you submitted your application as a free airdrop (if you do not own BTC) BE SURE to have uploaded required ID verification document as requested.
Let us know.
Are you sure you have submitted a valid signed message from your BTC address where you own the coins? We received many submissions with missing or incorrect bitcoin signed message. If you are not sure how to sign a message with BTC please check the guide on the link in the OP.
I tried at least 5 times. Once in the fourth time, I had to send the balance to a new wallet, since I realized that I sent my key to your form instead of the signed message. In the end, I managed to sign correctly, then check and send the signed message, exactly as indicated in your manual. By the way, you can add an example for noobs like me )) Now tell me, please, how much time takes the airdrop from form sending to XBTE tx? Maybe, I should change e-mail because of earlier unsuccessfull tries? Thank you.