How do you feel when mother nature destroys? Volcanos, natural forest fires, diseases etc...
A lot better than when man detonates nuclear bombs.
@Tax We make the world the way it is. We choose how our society is constructed. Only when the people at the bottom realize we hold the power over our world can we stop partaking in a society that puts us at the 'bottom'.
As someone who actually does good in this world... I'm not sure if you are using truth and love as a form of manipulation to lure people into wanting to help you.
If you are.. my friend your soul will have a heavy burden to carry, to hold any beacon of light and pretend to usher people out of darkness is not something you should do trivially with emotions of entitlement or rebelliousness.. if you are genuinely miss guided in your attempts to help others, you should focus on your emotional damage before you seek to help anyone and I wish you the best on your journey.
No sir, my intentions are none other than to help guide others to peace. I know the power of infinite love, having experienced complete egodeath, and I know there is no material thing that can compare with the power true love brings.
Please understand that being 20 and facing homelessness at first was daunting. Looking back, I made way too big of a deal for it and I see it as completely perfect. It has assisted me in establishing and engaging my life plan, beyond what I would have perceived otherwise, if I did not experience life as I did.