
Topic: Am done with KYC - page 30. (Read 22165 times)

Activity: 602
Merit: 10
April 14, 2019, 08:15:29 AM
Same as me, i mean base also in my experience her from the start i joined or as a bounty hunter i get paid in my first two bounty which do not required me a KYC. And one of my two bounty which is required KYC failed and the other one is still waiting. But besides all of this i still do joined bounty that required KYC because i do not see anything dangerous about KYC.
Activity: 336
Merit: 12
April 14, 2019, 08:03:06 AM
If I could remember very well the projects I've promote in the past that doesn't pay for my hardworking are the ones that implemented KYC for all bounty hunters so since then I've learn to walk away from ICO asking for KYC to promote there projects
hero member
Activity: 3080
Merit: 603
April 14, 2019, 07:46:56 AM
Don't follow KYC with bounties.

It's not really worth to exchange your IDs with their worthless coins.
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
April 14, 2019, 06:48:39 AM
Absolutely. We give up our privacy each day to FB and Google so doing it to each party that don't provide any protection is completely ridiculous.
Activity: 490
Merit: 10
April 14, 2019, 06:16:58 AM
There is one thing I have realized from my experience with KYC for bounties. Almost all the projects I have provided my personal information to them failed to even get listed on exchanges and the project dies off. Surprisingly, those that didn't require KYC paid me and the project is truly developing. My point is, am beginning to think those project requesting hunters to go through KYC are just in for their information to trade and do not have any intentions to develop their crypto project so let's be vigilant about whom we carelessly give our details to, for some peanuts...May God bless our hustle
We should not send our personal information to any project. It will be wrong and it may affect you in the future. You should only buy the KYC from others and use it. that way is quite good and the price of KYC sets is quite cheap.
full member
Activity: 966
Merit: 100
Harmony for One and All
April 14, 2019, 06:07:56 AM
I agree it's unpleasant when bounty require KYC, but there are a legal reasons for that i suppose. It's a condition of participation. If you don't like it just don't take part in this. And i don't think KYC mean that the project is scam. There are a huge number of scam project with KYC and without. We have to choose more carefully.
full member
Activity: 1904
Merit: 138
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
April 14, 2019, 05:25:52 AM
Just try not joining in some bounties that requires KYC. It is being announced usually on all bounties that they are requiring KYC for bounty hunters. It's so bad whenever you do KYC when the project dies because of people that are scammers.

Try to avoid bounty campaigns requiring KYC for their participants. You don't even know where your info will end up with. I wonder what they are doing with those collected info for those failed projects. Maybe, sell it to the highest bidder?
sr. member
Activity: 672
Merit: 251
April 14, 2019, 05:15:12 AM
Just try not joining in some bounties that requires KYC. It is being announced usually on all bounties that they are requiring KYC for bounty hunters. It's so bad whenever you do KYC when the project dies because of people that are scammers.
sr. member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 277
April 14, 2019, 03:14:25 AM
There is one thing I have realized from my experience with KYC for bounties. Almost all the projects I have provided my personal information to them failed to even get listed on exchanges and the project dies off. Surprisingly, those that didn't require KYC paid me and the project is truly developing. My point is, am beginning to think those project requesting hunters to go through KYC are just in for their information to trade and do not have any intentions to develop their crypto project so let's be vigilant about whom we carelessly give our details to, for some peanuts...May God bless our hustle

sharing private informations and passport details is extremely dangerous in this market. i have seen so many id leakages before. the teams sold passport details that they collected. it is very dangerous.
copper member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
April 14, 2019, 01:28:58 AM
There is one thing I have realized from my experience with KYC for bounties. Almost all the projects I have provided my personal information to them failed to even get listed on exchanges and the project dies off. Surprisingly, those that didn't require KYC paid me and the project is truly developing. My point is, am beginning to think those project requesting hunters to go through KYC are just in for their information to trade and do not have any intentions to develop their crypto project so let's be vigilant about whom we carelessly give our details to, for some peanuts...May God bless our hustle

In that case, you should've provided your KYC in the first place, one characteristic of block chain and cryptocurrency is the anonymity, you should retain that in the beginning and now, project might sell your information and the risk that you have is high. For now, let us focus on obtaining reputation of good projects. Other good projects are getting dragged into the situation.
Activity: 490
Merit: 13
April 13, 2019, 10:06:25 PM
There is one thing I have realized from my experience with KYC for bounties. Almost all the projects I have provided my personal information to them failed to even get listed on exchanges and the project dies off. Surprisingly, those that didn't require KYC paid me and the project is truly developing. My point is, am beginning to think those project requesting hunters to go through KYC are just in for their information to trade and do not have any intentions to develop their crypto project so let's be vigilant about whom we carelessly give our details to, for some peanuts...May God bless our hustle
KYC is not a guarantee for the success of a project. "Know your Customer" as the name goes is chiefly for verification purposes thus to eliminate the double and bot entries. It also gives the project a clue on how strong and supportive their actual community is. For this reason, every investor or bounty participant is required to perform a personal study on a project before joining in order to ascertain its authenticity, capabilities and if KYC will be required.
Absolutely right, there's no way we can determine the success of the project through its verification method.
KYC is only needed to prove that the user is real, not a fake account. And besides that is only for better security.
Activity: 672
Merit: 14
April 13, 2019, 09:34:25 PM
There is one thing I have realized from my experience with KYC for bounties. Almost all the projects I have provided my personal information to them failed to even get listed on exchanges and the project dies off. Surprisingly, those that didn't require KYC paid me and the project is truly developing. My point is, am beginning to think those project requesting hunters to go through KYC are just in for their information to trade and do not have any intentions to develop their crypto project so let's be vigilant about whom we carelessly give our details to, for some peanuts...May God bless our hustle
KYC is not a guarantee for the success of a project. "Know your Customer" as the name goes is chiefly for verification purposes thus to eliminate the double and bot entries. It also gives the project a clue on how strong and supportive their actual community is. For this reason, every investor or bounty participant is required to perform a personal study on a project before joining in order to ascertain its authenticity, capabilities and if KYC will be required.
full member
Activity: 1750
Merit: 118
April 13, 2019, 09:22:07 PM
Yeah! Better to ask for KYC requirement at first. But there is one thing which is best thing for it. There is a rules which the bounty manager should initiates this. They only got the kyc requirements of every participants once the distribution of token is final to avoid stealing of personal identity of others.
each manager or team has a different policy. sometimes there are announcements that do not need KYC but after the campaign is finished they announce a new rule for charging KYC. we as bounty hunters can only follow to get rewards. as long as the requirements are still normal I don't think it's a big problem.
we have to calculate with its reward value too.personally i will not pass kyc if its value only small amount.i am prefer to keep my document than give it to strenght people.

Right . kyc is serious thing to be consider because our personal identity is at stake here  .  if a bounty pays small i dont think its worth the risk  but if a bounty pays huge rewards ( for example : 200 usd and up ) i think its already worth to do  but the only problem is that most bounty campaign and airdrops do only pays with their own token and their tokens is usually unlisted .  how can we identify the value that way  ?    Even the project is good , that wont still be guarantee that they could gather alot of investor.
full member
Activity: 431
Merit: 100
April 13, 2019, 09:11:24 PM
it's indeed very risky to give personal data to people we don't know/KYC and maybe what you say is true if they trade our data. But if you really want to join bounty and do KYC please do a lot of team research and etc, so that your personal data can be safe
what do we sell our data for? I myself did some KYC and as long as I considered it safe and nothing went wrong I would not question KYC that I did. indeed I had heard that there was an abuse of data from a site that uses KYC from their members for other purposes. but I'm not too troubled. as long as the project I am following goes well, I think everything is safe.
full member
Activity: 658
Merit: 106
April 13, 2019, 09:11:15 PM
Yeah! Better to ask for KYC requirement at first. But there is one thing which is best thing for it. There is a rules which the bounty manager should initiates this. They only got the kyc requirements of every participants once the distribution of token is final to avoid stealing of personal identity of others.
each manager or team has a different policy. sometimes there are announcements that do not need KYC but after the campaign is finished they announce a new rule for charging KYC. we as bounty hunters can only follow to get rewards. as long as the requirements are still normal I don't think it's a big problem.
we have to calculate with its reward value too.personally i will not pass kyc if its value only small amount.i am prefer to keep my document than give it to strenght people.
full member
Activity: 994
Merit: 100
April 13, 2019, 09:05:40 PM
it's indeed very risky to give personal data to people we don't know/KYC and maybe what you say is true if they trade our data. But if you really want to join bounty and do KYC please do a lot of team research and etc, so that your personal data can be safe
full member
Activity: 1456
Merit: 109
April 13, 2019, 08:51:39 PM
Yeah! Better to ask for KYC requirement at first. But there is one thing which is best thing for it. There is a rules which the bounty manager should initiates this. They only got the kyc requirements of every participants once the distribution of token is final to avoid stealing of personal identity of others.
each manager or team has a different policy. sometimes there are announcements that do not need KYC but after the campaign is finished they announce a new rule for charging KYC. we as bounty hunters can only follow to get rewards. as long as the requirements are still normal I don't think it's a big problem.
jr. member
Activity: 329
Merit: 3
April 13, 2019, 08:47:56 PM
This is the reasons why i always ask if there will be a kyc for bounty hunters when the campaign end and if they say yes then ill pass on it,i dont like giving my identity to some online company which can easily hide them self and run with your money and identity is not safe.

Yeah! Better to ask for KYC requirement at first. But there is one thing which is best thing for it. There is a rules which the bounty manager should initiates this. They only got the kyc requirements of every participants once the distribution of token is final to avoid stealing of personal identity of others.
jr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 1
April 13, 2019, 08:39:57 PM
for me doing KYC is never be a problem, but problem came when our database of KYC using for wrong act, like aold our data to some company or project for making their database of user or investor, its totally wrong.
Activity: 258
Merit: 10
April 13, 2019, 08:11:02 PM
Maybe you got bad luck for those campaigns required kyc program. Yes i alaso have experience the same with you but im not thinking that way, there is recently posted bounty camapign from the project named harmony. They required hunters to go through kyc program but i believe in them since apple is one of their investors at first seed. So i dont think this is just for show and not have intention to develop.
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