Just wondering if there are any fellow girls on here who are into Bitcoin mining, trading, etc. It seems it's mainly guys. We are roughly 50% of the population of this planet yet I can't find any girls who are into Bitcoins, anywhere.
Everytime I try to mention Bitcoins while hanging out with girlfriends they always look confused and change the subject, yet they're not "dumb girls", they've been to Uni, spend a lot of time online, have paypal acc's, online banking, etc. Why are they so reluctant to hear about Bitcoins?
I have some suggestions to get more women involved in Bitcoin but they're kinda sexist.
Like a HandBagCoin etc.
HandBagCoin - You're already a bagholder, make it look good!
HandBagCoin is also a special ProofOfBagholder feature. It holds all your bagheld coins in one bag.