I think that this deal could be summarized in this way:
The cca 6,000,000 shares sold (and another 14,000,000) are mainly for loan for funding R&D and production for VMC company. The risk of the loan is solely on investors in AMC.
For that 20,000,000 shares the investors are entitled to 2% of VMC's profits (AMC gets 10%, 20 mil. shares gets one fifth of that).
Also AMC has the option to buy the machines first (which is a great advantage, because the profit with mining much depends on when do you start mining compared to the difficulty) and is entitled to profits from mining (but at least 60% of the mining profits goes in Ken's pocket).
More of my notes below.
Here you go:
Thanks for the answers. I also read the most of this thread.
8 ) the profit calculation in contract is based on assumption that the difficulty will rise only by 6.5% on average for next 24 months
No the profit calculation in the contract is based on a 40 times increase in the difficulty in the next 25 months. Also, there is a growth and expansion fund which receives 50% of the revenue for the next ~10 Months to purchase more mining equipment to keep up and exceed the difficulty raise.
Everyone can calculate what the diffculty will be depending on avarege increase here:
http://btc.re/?t=miningcalc (just look at the difficulty, ignore the rest). Next difficulty change will be around 9%, last two times it was around 20%. Altough I don't think that this pace is sustainable I'm afraid that the difficulty assumed in two years in contract (358,971,840) is underestimated.
7) kslaughter is now selling the shares for 0.0025, but can later sell more for 0.0005 as stated in the summary at bifunder (also that has happened before).
Yes, this has happened before, due to the Bitfunder "God" Ukto forcing AMC to sale shares at .0005 when the market price was .0008.
I was talking about you
dumping shares to drive the price from 0.001 to 0.0005 (also you used bid walls to drive the price up) then
saying that for long term investors in doesn't matter. You were forced by Ukto and others to
repay that.
9) shares have no voting rights - does it mean that contract can be changed? Or that shares can be diluted (more than 100,000,000 issued)?
The contract can not be changed. There can not be anymore than 100,000,000 shares issued.
I tought so, unfortunately it isn't stated in the contract (I asked because you have been
creative with filling the contract before).
One more issue, I think that there is just too much shares to be sold.
5,000,000 early adopter shares originally issued
2,000,000 early adopter shares 2nd round
2,000,000 bitfunder amc-pt btct.co shares
There is still 11,000,000 shares to be sold to "early adopters" (plus the 3,000,000 not sold yet in the 2nd round). That's $3,500,000 @0.0025
I'm not saying that Ken is a scammer, I'm just sceptical about the price and the contract.
Also everyone beware that the Vbs member is the biggest fanboy of AMC here, totally blind to any criticism.