Wow Phin/Gleb, I knew you were a good data digger but your psychic abilities and your mastery of Josh, fuzzy, and opiums typing styles is amazing.
I just wanted to thank you for stepping away from this mess for a while and trying to let AMT work this out. Obviously it didn't help and it has been a fucked up ride for all involved.
Personally I am sick of being lied to, dicked around, and generally being treated like an idiot by AMT (maybe I am, after all I gave these assholes $18,000 of which I will probably never see a dime returned). Most of the people here are not stupid and can see right through their bullshit.
I don't know which list I ended up on but at this point they can put me on the refund list. I wonder how the IRS is going to feel when I write off half of my income due to a mail fraud scam perpetrated by Advanced Mining Technologies.
Anyway, here's a belated welcome back and here's hoping the fat man ends up in a re-education camp for exploiting the Chinese people. Maybe he can finish getting his business degree while he's in there (although I don't think that's what they mean by re-education)
In China, Joshua Zipkin is known as LouMay.
[8/12/2014 1:36:10 PM] Joshua: pictures on the forum
[8/12/2014 1:36:35 PM] Joshua: ahh they'll sell
[8/12/2014 1:36:39 PM] Joshua: yes but again, investment money
[8/12/2014 1:37:02 PM] Joshua: im in a position where im good with inno and ive made friends with all channels of manufacturing
[8/12/2014 1:37:21 PM] Joshua: from the pcb house to design guys, etc
[8/12/2014 1:37:25 PM] Joshua: they call me LouMay
[8/12/2014 1:37:25 PM] customer1: Ok well you are getting a distribution chain.
[8/12/2014 1:37:28 PM] customer1: That is what you need
[8/12/2014 1:37:34 PM] Joshua: it means Fat Big American
[8/12/2014 1:37:38 PM] customer1: LOL
[8/12/2014 1:37:47 PM] customer1: Geez
[8/12/2014 1:37:59 PM] Joshua: its said in a humorous way though
Now he's making up full conversations, we're quite impressed with his dedication actually.
Josh Zipkin, son of scammer Harrison Zachariah Zipkin in PA, honestly believes that I did indeed made up the conversation above that he penned, not I.
BTW, I know 100% who customer1 and customer2 are and they can easily verify that ALL the convos did indeed take place sans any of my input.
This is just an inkling of the lies and thievery that Joshua Zipkin is capable of. The motherfucker lied in his very first post in the second sentence when he spelled out what AMT stood for. Check it out yourselves. Joshu Zipkin from Israel, Bulgaria and Pennsylvania is nothing but a scammy fuckin' liar, and anybody who orders from him WILL get burned. That's a motherfuckin' promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having a Gimp fuck him in his ass for 48 hours straight would be considered too good for him.